CH 4 - Werewolf 101

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The night Cassi met Lora and learned the truth about her new nature, reality hit her like a speeding bus. Suddenly, nothing was the same. She spent that first evening under Lora's watch, lying awake but facing away from the other woman to hide her sleeplessness. She felt she needed that scrap of privacy to try and wrap her head around what her new life meant and what she needed to do.

Cassi had so many questions racing through her mind. What did she tell people? Her friends, her family? Would she still live in her home or did she need to be close to Lora now? How did she feel about the butch woman who claimed to have all good intentions?

Some questions were simpler. Would she crave meat now? Was she dangerous to others? How would she change on a whim? Would it hurt? Would she get 'stuck?'

Tears began to trickle across Cassi's cheeks and she stifled her sobs as best she could. She could feel her body trembling beneath the blankets and knew that Lora was watching her. She didn't care. She needed this, needed to release her anxieties and fears.

Moments later Lora's footfalls approached and the earthy tones of her scent surrounded Cassi like another thick blanket. Without a word Lora settled on the other side of the bed and pulled Cassi gently into her strong arms. As Lora began to rock the woman, what remained of Cassi's resolve broke and she started to cry in earnest. She held nothing back.

Lora stayed with her all night, the silent and gentle companion Cassi needed more than anything in those dark hours.


Cassi had been dreaming of the forest. It was different in her dreams. It was wilder and less tamed by human hands. She ran through the foliage as a wolf, watching herself over her shoulders. It was a strange third person view, but she knew the wolf was herself. For the first time she saw her wolf skin as she had pictured it in her mind. She was black like the wolf who had bitten her, but her colouring was that of the darkest night, regal and mysterious. Her fur was silky and clean. Was it a sign of being newly turned? She thought so. Her legs were long and muscled, her body lithe, her form powerful and dangerous, yet she was in complete control.


Hearing her name, her wolf slowed to a stop. She sniffed the air, her short muzzle crinkling as a familiar smell reached her nostrils. Her wolfish grin grew, her golden eyes sharpening and focusing. The scent of earth and musk was so familiar now. It was a masculine smell coated with female pheromones. She knew this smell.


In the next instance, Cassi was awake. With a startled yelp, she sat up fast and her forehead collided with something hard. Lora let out a curse and fell backwards onto the mattress.

Cassi realised she had headbutted her new companion and quickly reached over to grip her hand. "I'm so sorry!" she said, her own forehead throbbing.

Lora simply laughed and shook her head. She tapped her forehead with her fingers. "Its alright, no harm done. I've been told I'm pretty hard-headed."

Cassi smiled back at the woman, glad to hear that laugh again. Husky and low, straight from the chest. It was so grounding when the world around her was trapped in a hurricane.

Lora squeezed Cassi's hand gently, then released it to stand from the bed. She stretched and Cassi watched every muscle she could see in the woman's back through her thin white tank-top. She turned away at the speed of light when Lora looked over her shoulder at her.

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