Part 6

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It was three long days of waiting for Donatello to finally wake up. His brothers had been so anxious for him to wake up that they barely ate or slept. Sometimes Jane would shoe them out of the room and go find something to do while one of them, usually Leonardo, would stay with him.

Leonardo was currently in the room, but had drifted off when Donatello began to come to.

Donny's eyes fluttered open. It took a moment for his vision to focus. He saw the ceiling, that looked nothing like the ceiling in his bedroom. He slowly raised his head and looked around. He saw he wasn't at home at all.

"Oh, where am I?" Donny said to himself. He didn't recognize this place at all, but he saw Leonardo in the back corner, sleeping on the chair.

Donatello noticed that he was covered up with some blankets. He tried to move his hands and found they were loose. But when he pulled his hands out from under the blankets, he saw he had an IV in his left hand and his right arm was wrapped in bandages.

"What happened to me?" He wondered. Then he tried to sit up to try to get his leader's attention. But when he tried to get up, pain immediately shot through his midsection. "Oh, ow!" Donny said and clutched his stomach.

He laid back down. He managed to raise himself up on his elbows and he pushed the blankets back. He now saw the horrible truth. It had been no dream. Someone had tortured him. He saw the bandages that covered his whole middle.

Then, he saw the door open and an unknown man came into the room. It was Jane's assistant. He was in here to check on him and he saw the patient was finally awake.

"Hey there, uh, Donatello, is it?" The man spoke in a soft voice.

Donatello suddenly felt panic overtake himself and he tried to move. "Agh! Stay away from me!" He cried out. "Don't hurt me!"

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm a friend."

Donny's cries awoke Leonardo. He saw what was happening. His brother was terrified.

"Stay away!" Donatello screamed again. He began to try to move away from the man coming toward him. Pain screamed in his whole body.

Leonardo knew he had to do something before Donatello hurt himself. He got off the chair and dashed over to his brother.

"Donatello! Its me, Leonardo. It's alright. Matt here is a friend. He helped save your life." Leo explained. "He's Dr. Goodfellow's assistant."

"Leonardo? Dr. Goodfellow?"

"Yes. You're at the zoo clinic being watched over and treated by Dr. Goodfellow and Dr. Baines. We nearly lost you after what happened to you, but we got you here in time for them to treat your injuries. You're going to be fine, but you need to rest and stay calm." Leo explained.

Donatello was still worried, but he trusted Leonardo's judgment. He knew his leader wouldn't let anything happen to him.

"Where are Raphael and Michelangelo?"

"They are out right now, just doing something. They have been here too. We've all been worried about you."

"Is Master Splinter here too?" Donny asked.

"No. He is due to come back today though. I think the others went to the lair to meet him." Leo replied. "He needs to be told when he gets back of why you aren't there."

"I just came in to check your vitals, Donatello, and it's good you're awake now. I promise I'm not going to hurt you." Matt Baines said.

"Don't leave me, Leonardo." Donny clung to Leo's arm.

Leo could see his brother had been traumatized by what had happened to him.

"I promise one of us will be with you at all times." Leo said.

Donatello let the man check his vitals as long as Leonardo was by his side.

Splinter finally came home from his meditation trip. He found his red and orange masked students in the living room. They had been sent home to wait on him to come home.

"Greetings, Raphael and Michelangelo. But where are Donatello and Leonardo?" Splinter asked.

"Oh, Master. Its so good you're finally home." Mike said.

"Is something wrong?" Splinter asked.

"You didn't sense anything?" Raphael asked.

"Sense what?"

"Donatello was hurt while you were gone." Mike said. "He's so badly hurt he nearly died."

"Please tell me everything." Splinter said and the two turtles continued the story.

When they were done with the story, Splinter said that he wanted to go down and see Donatello.

They piled into the van and took their sensei to see the genius.

When they got to the zoo clinic, they were all relieved to see Splinter. Donatello was the most relieved. And Splinter and Mike and Raph were more than glad to see Donny awake.

Donatello didn't want his family to leave him.

The injuries were shown to Splinter when the doctors changed Donny's bandages. He had seen the bandages. Jane explained to him what she had found with the stomach wounds. He had literally been cut to pieces on his stomach and sides.

As he listened and saw everything, the wise rat knew his smart student was not going to be allowed to train or go topside fighting with his brothers for some time. Even being able to work on his inventions would take some time getting back into with healing. But Splinter had special herbs at home that could help with pain control as well.

Donatello was given his first meal later that evening. It was just some chicken broth that should go down pretty easy. He didn't want to eat right now, but he needed to gain his strength back and he had to be eating real good to be able to go home anytime soon.

Another thing was that they needed to get him up and walking to prevent blood clots in his legs.

With some painful help, Donatello was soon standing. His left leg was in a cast that he could walk on, but his leg hurt to walk on. He was helped to move. He moaned and groaned with every movement because his stomach hurt the most.

"I've never felt anything- like this before." Donny said. He was in incredible pain. Everything in his middle just screamed at him. He wanted to lay back down.

After some several minutes of walking around the room, Donatello was allowed to lay back down again. This was going to be a long recovery.

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