∞ a tiger but a cat ∞

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"All my friends are toxic, all ambitionless So rude and always negative I need new friends, but it's not that quick and easy Oh, I'm drowning, let me breathe"

Sitting up from my bed yawning as the rising sun reflects through the blinds.
Rubbing my eyes looking at the time


School starts around 8 am
It was my first time going to an elite middle school. That school is known as a semi-gifted school, well at least that's what I thought. Knowing that this year is gonna be boring for me.
I head downstairs

"Mornin-" cutting myself before finishing my word.
I realized that I was alone at my apartment. Not used to having my apartment.
My parents gave me an apartment to stay in since they said that I can take care of myself and that they don't have time with me around the house.
They paid for the rent and gave me a monthly allowance to buy my groceries, I can say that my parents are well-off because of their jobs.

Poking the omelet on my plate.
Having no appetite to eat it I just put it in my bento and add some other food inside my lunch, gently wrapping it with a cloth.
I put it inside my bag and walk down the stairs to get ready.
I took a fast shower since it was a bit freezing.
Putting on the uniform my parents gave me like a week ago.
It was a simple uniform that resembles a sailor's outfit, the vest have a collar that reached down the chest and a crimson tie that has a white line right at the end. Underneath was a black turtleneck pairing it with a pale grey skirt, putting on some knee-high socks and brown shoes. And finishing it off with a white beret that has the stamp of the school.

I reach for my bag and my skateboard. Running my fingers as my skin can feel the [design].
I ran outside not forgetting to lock the door behind me.

"Hopefully I'm not that late yet. My first impression needs to be perfect"
Being the careless yet smart teen that I am. School impressions are important to me.

I drop my skateboard and hop on it making my way to school.
After a couple of minutes later I arrived. Everyone is walking to school, I sigh in relief that I'm not late.
Eyes were glued onto me. I didn't know why but I think I have something on my face, or maybe my appearance looks weird?! I hop off my deck catching it with my hands.
The stares never leave me as I grip my backpack straps tight.
I was looking down overthinking. When I suddenly bump into an individual.

"Gah- oh my God! My deepest apology! I wasn't looking!" I bowed at the person.

"Hm? Don't be. I'm also not looking at where I was going." The boy had emerald eyes and black hair. He's holding a gaming switch which I was confused about 'they allow you to bring those things into school?!' Those
Emerald's eyes shine through the daylight in every direction.

"Oh... I..okay..well uh, see you around then!" I waved off feeling embarrassed. Soon murmur started.
I walk faster. Heading to the principal's office which was thankfully near the entrance.
I knocked on the door waiting for a few seconds before I heard 'come in'
I grab the silver knob twisting it as the door opens revealing a tall figure of a woman sitting on a desk filled with papers,
Her eyes never left the laptop.
"Um... I heard that I can get my schedule here? Miss..?"
She looked away from the device and eyed me up and down.
"Ah, you must me Y/n. Please to meet you. I'm your principal ms. Kaisan"
(Just made that up)
I sat down on the chair that was on the opposite side of her.
"Mhm yes that's me, I'm happy to be here" I smiled sweetly. Keeping my innocent look, in reality, I don't want to smile. My cheeks hurt when I force a smile for too long.
"Okay then, I'm happy as well to have another smart student joining our school. I'll give you your schedule and your locker key" her hand reaches on the drawer behind her and began to read through the files.
"Here, this is your schedule for the year. If an update appears on your schedule ill let you know to get a new schedule. Also, here's your key. You can find the lockers at the entrance or the backdoor. You can go now we don't want you to be late on your first day, right?" I nod and bowed my head
"Thank you!" I smiled again and head outside.

★DEVIL SHEEP★ miya x reader sk∞Where stories live. Discover now