•Beef with MIYA•

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       ••HAPPY FACE-- Jagwar Twin•

      "Hey, put on a happy face Then everything's okay Put on a happy fact Say you're good, say you're fine Tell 'em everything's alright"

Miya's Pov:

"I wanna check something, prepare your wallet if I find anything tasty~"
I stick my tongue out to tease her a bit.
And as expected, she puffed her cheeks. Heh, cute. Wait- what?!-

"So...what do you want then?" She said not making eye contact.

"There's an Italian restaurant around here and I wanna take a look at it. But if nothing catches my eye there then...I want a nonfat yogurt" I said placing my arms on the back of my head.

"Does that even exist? What are you?"
The girl replied giving a hint of disgust in her voice.

"I'm on a strict diet, I'm an athlete and athletes don't eat a lot" while walking I noticed how tiring walking in the direction of this restaurant. I sigh then grab my board that was attached behind my bag and plop my board leaving a small 'thud' y/n looked at the source of the sound.

"Let's race," I said crossing my arm while my other foot is already on the board.
She looked at me for a second before reaching for her board too.

"Let's skate then. Whoever reaches the restaurant first is the winner. No bets this time okay?" She said pointing her index finger in front of my beautiful face.

We positioned ourselves. Grabbing a penny from my pockets and flipping it to the air. Once the penny collided with the pavement we both took it as a signal and run placing our board on the ground. Even if I started fast I can see y/n on the corner of my eyes

"Not bad," I said. Accelerating my pace as I passed her. She accelerates behind me and came neck-to-neck with me. I clenched my teeth wondering how she can even catch up on me.
I saw a corner up ahead and took it as a chance. I sped up flipping my board, my feet landing on the sides as I did a perfect rail-slide passing through y/n.

"Beat that, slime"

I said smirking as I looked back facing y/n.
I then lean forward my knees bending, as if the leaf blew me like a leaf.
A huge gap formed between us.
I knew that a mere slime like her can't simply beat a pro skater.
I was up ahead, the restaurant was insight. A grin formed on my lips. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me and something flew above me. Well, rather something landing in front of me. I saw a familiar h/c hair surpassing me as the figure landed in front of me.

'No way

I picked up my pace on my board. We were neck-to-neck once again.

Y/n's Pov:

I saw Miya doing a perfect rail slide on the corner of my eyes.
'As expected from a national team hopeful'
I thought, looking around seeing a bench with a plank over it, the end was upward and the other end was on the ground.
I smiled knowing a route to surpass Miya.

'If I can accelerate my pace and cross the plank perfectly. The plank looks stable enough to ride through. I'll do an ollie on the end of it since there's another corner.'

I bend my knees speeding up my boasts rode perfectly at the wooden plank I pulled my weight up and did an ollie. I landed in front of Miya, not even bothering to look at him.
I can hear his wheels coming closer. So I crouched once again to let the wind push me.

Everything went slow somehow as if time itself slowed down...
It was clear who won.

We were tied...

★DEVIL SHEEP★ miya x reader sk∞Where stories live. Discover now