★Lets bet!★

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   ×hated by life itself- mafumafu ver.×
"We are hated by life itself.
Without even grasping the meaning of joy, we just hate the hand life has dealt us and merely curse our pasts."

Y/n's Pov:

"Have we..."
"Met before...?"
My eyes widened surprised we have the same question to ask.
But then I look up outside wondering if I have interacted with him

"I also had the same question, though to answer your question...ugh, I can't point my finger on where I saw you but I'm sure that it wasn't from a certain vid on the internet..."

I said doing a thinking gesture.
Digging through all sorts of memory and things that happened.

"Same, I also don't know where I saw you before..."

He said also trying to remember every memory he have.
'Ngl, he isn't that bad to talk to when he's calm" I smiled a bit knowing that I made a proper convo with miya
After a moment of what felt like an eternity, he broke the silence.

"Ugh, never mind. Maybe it was another person who has the same hair. Anyways since you wasted my time and I didn't get to eat my lunch how bout we race after school?"

He said a devilish smirk starts to appear on his face.

"You don't even need to eat. You look like a fucking twig to me"

I said giving him eyes closed eyes with a smile and an irk mark on my temples.

"And for your information, mister CHINEN. You were the one who drag me to do this tour thing while recess! Aren't you the one who you should be blaming instead of me? Now, we're equal. I didn't eat my lunch and YOU didn't eat your lunch"

I said proudly but still making my voice sounds annoyed and mad.

"You also don't need to eat, not only do you look like a total slime but you also look like a pig"

the boy spoke giving a comeback
'Damn bro, I just wanna eat my sausage' I thought, wanting to punch this sucker but before I can't even say a thing the door from behind miya suddenly opened. Revealing a teacher with a clipboard.

"Ey, classes already started! You guys should go back! Ayieessh, lovebirds are everywhere..."

The teacher scoffed going in a different direction.
I felt my face heat up. Lovebirds? Ew, not with this dude.
I scratch the back of my neck.

"I should go my class is starting"

He said walking on the left side.
Soon, I followed from behind. Tilting his head a bit he noticed it was just me.

"Tf you following me for?"
He asks

"I'm going, where you are going~," I said teasingly knowing that he'll be super pissed. I heard him click his tongue

"God, for how long am I going to be stuck with you?!"
He yelled a bit scratching his hair aggressively which I didn't fail to laugh at.

"not my fault, that's what my schedule says"

making him stop. He remove his hands from his head and just walked calmly since were in a hallway with a bunch of students.
While we walk to class a girl with short brown-haired excited the room with a brown-haired dude with her. I couldn't make out what they were saying since I'm busy trying to decide what should I eat for dinner.

'Hm, maybe meat is fine though I should buy some groceries after school and go to the bank to get my allowance miya wants to race... Should I back up or...' I look up at miya only to see his face full of rage and glaring at the two students. Something must've happened between them from the past. I thought to myself, while I entered the room.

★DEVIL SHEEP★ miya x reader sk∞Where stories live. Discover now