chapter three: this is challenge

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kiba : hey man where the hell are you,you said 5 minutes and it's been 15 minutes are you coming or I should drag you out
naruto: iam coming kiba don't annoy me .
he hang up  and went to meet his friend and his girlfriend and her friend..
when his eyes met with the girl (sima friend ),he could see what kiba meant when he said she was good looking actually she was the definition of beautiful ,her eyes were big and mascara on her eyelids mad them look so beautiful, pink on her cheeks he isn't sure if she was warming up or it was makeup, he rarely looked at girls,at human to be specific all his life was about work and study...she have long blue hair she was short though really short maby 1.69 inches her mouth small but not that much with soft lipstick it hardly can be seen,he was found of her looks...he start thinking that he might seeing everyone beautiful since he barely look at people...
kiba : we were waiting for you
Naruto: sorry I meet someone
Kiba: really,  who?
Naruto: stranger actually, never mind
Kiba: yeah , anyway sima my girlfriend you already know her and hinata she is the girl I told you about.
The girl was blushing mess but she gave him her hand with a smile on her face
Hinata: nice to see you .
he shake her hand
Naruto: nice to meet you too, iam naruto
...they were sitting at a table with the loud party and songs around them breaking naruto poor ear wich made it worse the chatting of the people around him...hinata was talking freely with kiba and sima but everytime she talked with him she sound a little uncomfortable but he shrugged off thinking that she might felt that cause it was like a date with him ...
naruto: I will leave for a moment just bring a weesky bottle ..kiba: ok buddy don't get late ..
naruto feel the urge to hit kiba on his head but they weren't alone so he retsained himself ,when he was at the bar he saw the man he saw earlier but he wasn't looking at his side so he just ignore him thinking the man didn't notice him but he suddenly heard him talking not really talking though he was teasing naruto
The man: it's illegal for a 17 years kid to drink you know...he said it with clear amusement in his voise even though he was wearing his mask,naruto look at him with a little anger
Naruto:iam 26 years and I believe that I can drink more than you could..with the lights around them he can see that the man had gray hair color that was the first time he have ever seen someone has nature gray hair it was odd but clearly his hair color fitting him...he was staring with annyous wich made the man amused ,he didn't know actually why the man was teasing maby he was payback to the blond for disturbed his swimming or the swears naruto throw it at him ...
the man: is this a challenge? ...his voice sounding really amused right know and he is probably holding himself from laughing at naruto while naruto on the other hand get really angry at him even though he really wanna hear that beautiful laugh ,he get near him and closed the space between their faces until it was inches from each other faces..
naruto: it's ,and iam sure i can do it much better than you ...
he didn't really know anything about the man but he feel like he has knowing him since along time, he want to tell the man he wasn't weak or stupid to prove himself but he couldn't stop asking himself why proving himself for a stranger....the man rested his back on the chair : you know,  I don't care .you don't even worth it ...
know it is clearly that the man just wants to payback for the words naruto gave him , he knew he shouldn't say all that curses but he couldn't stop himself with the cold air and he might be wrong know thinking, he shouldn't say all that , he step away to give both of them space...
naruto: look if you doing this for what happened, Iam sorry for what I said,ok stop being rude you didn't even told me your name ....
tm: and I will never told you ...
naruto: what the he...
Tm : it's not because what happened earlier though..I accept your apology I just don't wanna told you my name and to prove that I forgive you I will accept the challenge..
naruto: ok ..
he was calm didn't really know what he need to say, he wasn't social though which made it worse ,touched the back of his head nervously,
naruto: I will go for 5 minutes waite for me 
,he went to their table and told his friends that he will take a few minutes but will came as sooner as he can afford,
kakashi pov:
I felt somone pull the chair next to me  I turned to tell him it's taken but he was naruto, his name naruto,
age:26 ,personality:a shy person and for some reasons he was comfortable with me, he was sitting with two girl ,one guy ,seems he was on date with hinata, I snapped when he call me old man , I turned to him I believe he was dying to see me angry mad or teased but the mask covers 70% of my face I felt little humiliating but I know that he only said that cause he wanna tease me it was like a game between us now,
tm: iam not that old though.
Naruto: I know but I will call you what I want since you don't wanna tell me your name , so where's the bartender? .
Kakashi: he will came soon
Naruto: he is taking long enough
Kakashi:just have Patience he will came
Naruto:it's easy for you I have a whole group waiting for me
Kakashi: no one asked you to do this 
Naruto: I have said that iam sorry would you stop being rude?
Kakashi: I wasn't rude I just said the truth
Hope you liked also feel free to correct any word or sentence you know it's wrong .🧡💚

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