An Electrical Encounter

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The crowd cheered for you, whistles and money flying on the stage, it was a busy night, more busier then normal.

You were the star tonight, and everyone was here for you. The way you dance puts anyone in a trance until your last step and sway of your body.
You loved working at the strip club in the city, you loved the way the men looked at you with lust in their eyes, it made you feel alive. The fact that they could look all they want but couldn't touch, made your body sing.

You haven't even started your main dance yet, but the men were already throwing their money, you couldn't help but giggle thinking of the stuff you're gonna buy after paying this months rent.

Right on cue, the lights change and your solo piece starts. You had all the men wrapped around your finger, with only a sway of your plump ass as you lift your leg up and around the stripper pole.
The men around the stage start whistling and cheering louder, excited to see the new dance you've come up with.

The music wraps around you and you let loose on the pole, the music taking control of how your body moves. With each spin, and sway you get more lost in the music, the cheering of the men dying out in your ears.

As much as you loved the men throwing their money at you, you loved dancing more. Almost every time you've come out for your main dance, you've paid little attention to the crowd and focused solely on the music and how you move your body to it.

This song was slow and sultry, and that's exactly how you were moving. Making sure to tease your bikini top off, licking the pole, letting them get a peak at your pussy through the thong when you spread your legs at the crowd.

As the song is coming to a close, you decide to focus on the crowd, making sure to give the best doe eyes you can do and crawl towards the edge of the stage.

The men were more than happy to see this and scurried to put the money in your shimmering thong, feeling triumphant you make sure to blow a kiss to them as a thank you.

You slowly stand up, and look out in to the crowd only to find a pair of shining silver eyes staring directly at you.
And my god, he was the sexiest person you have ever laid your eyes on.

The way his onyx hair falling down to the sides of his face, stopping just above his sharp jawline suited him perfectly.
His nose sharp and thick lips made him all the more beautiful.
You were vaguely aware that your song is almost finished but you couldn't seem to turn away from those eyes.

His eyes raked over your body, and you reacted almost instantly. You tried to suppress a shudder of lust but couldn't stop yourself.

A man has never looked at you like that before, it was almost primal, as if he was eating you with his eyes.
A hunger that could only be satisfied by you.

It has only been roughly 30 seconds through that whole encounter, realizing the song has officially ended you snap out of your daze and bow to the crowd.
The men are completely oblivious to what just happened, and start chanting an encore while more bills are flying to the stage.
You can only think about those strong eyes, the crowds chanting gets drowned out by your own lust.
You lock onto those silver eyes once again, and seem to blow a kiss to the crowd, but in actuality you're blowing the kiss to him.

Even through the darkness you can see his eyes narrow, which gives you a euphoric feeling just knowing he's feeling exactly what you're feeling.
With a smile, you walk to the back of the stage with a sway of your hips trying to gain some strength in your legs.

"Holy crap girl that was one of your best dances yet! Look at all that money, we have to go drinking when you're free!"
Your close friend Historia runs up to you in the change room, squealing loudly.

An Electrical Encounter // AOT Levi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now