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"You are so far gone."

"Thanks Sav." I snap my head towards my phone I have plopped against my desk. Considering I am living in an apartment for the next few months, it was the only place close to my limited closet I had to put my phone.

"Savannah Hudson." I hear Dua scold her, "She just means you look adorable Laura."

"Adorably impossible to save."

"SAV!" Dua and I exclaim together.

"Okok I'll stop, I just find it funny!"

"Why do I look bad?" I suddenly start to panic.

"Nooo I don't wanna watch you panic over what to wear all over again."

"Sav just leave." I look at Sav on my screen with the most deadpan expression I can muster.

"Girls stop fighting." Dua's accent slipping into her warning as I see her head throw back in laughter.

"I have to go anyways, he'll be here soon!" Panic washes over my face as I realize the time.

"Good luck!" The girls' smiles warm my heart as I blow a kiss to my camera. As soon as the call ends, I run to pick up my perfume and spray a generous additional amount of sprays I already use on myself.

And from the corner of my eye, I see my phone light up with a notification. And from the green heart in the contact's name, I know exactly who it is, and that my smile has just gotten bigger.

From: Gavin 💚
Running late, but I'm leaving right now. I'm so excited to see you.

It's embarrassing how quick and high up my register I squealed.

I decided to take some time to clean up my vanity and clothes I flung while still on the call with Sav and Dua, desperately trying to find an outfit.

Eventually I settled with a caramel mesh dress that bunched at the bottom, that was tied with cute bows on both sides of my thighs. I always found the dress colour flattering on me, but along with a smokey eye and bold lip, I never knew I could look so good.

I give myself a once-over, unashamedly until I hear strong knocks on my front door.

And suddenly I find myself giving him a once-over as well...ashamedly.

Wow he looks good. Tight, white crisp polo that hugs onto every one of his muscles. Belt securing his pants, and shoes so shiny my plastic glass dining table I spend so long polishing is put to shame.

When I get to his face, I see his hair has been trimmed, but his facial hair cannot say the same. Stubbles guys. He had stubbles running along his sharp jawline. Am I drooling??

At the thought drooling, I take a look at his lips as I simultaneously lightly touch mine with my 2 fingers. I see his mouth in a smirk before quickly, his jaw drops slightly, probably from seeing me play with my lips, which I can't help but smirk at myself.

"Wow Laura." Gavin whistles. I giggle as I do a little twirl for him. When I come back to face him, he still has the same look in his eyes.


"You look, wow."

"You already said that." I tease.

"Well shit Marano, you make me nervous." My eyes widen before I can even help it, as I suddenly get déjà vu strong enough to render me emotional all over again.


"You said that already."

"Well shit Marano, you make me nervous." I laugh as I gain sudden confidence to look at him in the eyes, which were already staring into me.

All That for a Block ~ a raura au sequel Where stories live. Discover now