Worries of Return

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A/N: This is for all who've waited.



Over the course of the day, Mean had gotten no sleep. He was concerned about Plan, how things would turn out for him, and whether or not he'd return. He had no doubts about the man's credibility. It was at the time. Plan, on the other hand, had a true face-to-face conversation with his parents about the repercussions of turning.

It was safe to assume that Mean wouldn't hold it against the man if he didn't want to abandon his family permanently.

Mean was outside as soon as the sun dropped. Even though he knew Plan wouldn't come back that night, he wanted to keep an eye on him just in case. Hours passed while I paced across the gravel, perched on the roof's edge, peering down the dark road.

Mean gazed till his eyes hurt, but he didn't seem to mind. He simply want Plan's return.

"When you have a personal crisis..." Perth edged his way along the peak of the roof, "you think you could do it lower? Heights make me feel all weird."

Rolling his eyes, Mean huffed a laugh and shook his head. "I could shove you off this thing and you wouldn't even break a bone. Why do they make you feel weird?" Mean could at least be grateful for the distraction.

"I don't know. I'm just meant to be on the ground or something'. You okay? You've been out here staring for a really long time. Lay's pacing inside." Perth made it to the chimney and held on tightly.

"Why is Lay pacing?" Mean inquired since it was easier than trying to figure out whether he was fine or not. Mean sighed and shook his head as he looked over his shoulder before leaping from the roof and landing safely on the ground below. "Come on Perth before you end up busting up Yacht's house."

"I hate you," Perth murmured something under his breath. Perth closed his eyes and waited for a few moments before dropping from the roof after prying his fingers off the chimney. He looked up and smiled furiously as he landed in a crouch near Mean. "Piece of cake."

"Some day when I'm not preoccupied I am so giving you shit for being scared of heights. Just fair warning." Mean smiled briefly at the man then shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked forward onto his toes. "So, Lay? Why is she pacing?"

"She's worried about you... well, worrying. Apparently, it's some female thing - I don't know, whatever - the point is - you've been out here staring and ... why are you staring? He's not coming back tonight, you know that Perth took a few steps forward and stretched his arms wide.

"I just feel better out here," Mean said, shrugging and carefully patting his back. "Lay needs to do something, can't you go distract her?" Isn't it true that you two will need to eat at some point? "It's been a couple of days."

"Come along with us." "For the love of old times," Perth grinned and shrugged. "You'll soon be married and won't be allowed to come out and play with us unaccompanied," he said as he stepped forward and nudged Mean with his elbow. "Come on," she says.

"Feed?" Mean pursed his lips, trying to figure out if he could get over the weird sensation that feeding off someone else now would be like being unfaithful to Plan. "I'm not sure Plan would like me feeding off another yet. After all, it's not like we discussed any of that at all."

"Hey," Perth threw his hands out. "He knows what you are and if you didn't talk about it then there are no rules yet. You can't just stay here and fret. Lay says there's nothing that could keep Plan from coming back."

"You know she has you wrapped around her pinkie right?" The man had a mean look in his eyes, pleased to concentrate on that reality rather than his own drama. Part of him wanted to contact Plan and ask if it was acceptable to go out and eat, but it would only serve to prove his point.

"Of course she does. And you have much the Plane to look forward to Mr. Staring-Up-The-Road. You're staring because you'd love nothing more than to see Plan's truck coming, right?" Perth drew his arms together and looked up the road in front of them.

Mean sighed and massaged his eyes, but there was no point in disputing it. Instead, he acknowledged, his voice hushed, "I'm terrified." "Never in a million years did I believe I'd make it through two hundred." And it's no longer about that. I was just... fuck. How can I ever be good enough for him?" Mean shook his head, irritated by the passion that was causing his voice to tremble.

"Have you seen the way he looked at you?" Perth laughed softly and kept his gaze trained on the horizon in the distance. "You know he's off right now, trying to begin the process of giving up everything to be with you. He's alone and probably freaked out- but he's doing this because he can't stand the idea that he might have to be without you. And that's after a couple of days."

Of course, Perth was correct; he was always the rational part of Mean when he grappled with human emotions. He worried occasionally that he'd been a vampire and alone for far too long to be relatable to anyone. "Should I have gone with him? Even if it meant hiding in some hotel or something during the day? I shouldn't have forced him into doing this alone should I have?"

"You didn't force him into anything. He has to figure it out on his own. You're the one who's always talking about how people should make their own decisions about changing. You're letting him do that. It's right and you know it. It just sucks to be away from him, that's all." Reaching out a hand, Perth squeezed Mean's shoulder. "He'll be back tomorrow."

"I know." Mean nodded, smiling briefly over at Perth then turning his gaze away. "Well, I guess. What did you want to do Perth? Go feed then see if we can take care of whatever the hell's stealing bodies?" It was certainly easier than continuing this conversation that was getting them nowhere fast.

When Mean glanced across at Perth, he chuckled and said, "Sure, everyone else is dressed up and ready." He shrugged, "I promised them you'd be coming with us."

Mean huffed quietly and shook his head, rolling his eyes. "Of course you did," says the narrator. For that reason alone, I think I'll send you guys off on your own. It's not like you can't deal with whatever it is."

"Come on, the ladies enjoy seeing you get all bossy and butch." Allow them to have some fun. When Mean looked across at Perth, he winked and said, "You know, something to gush about till Plan comes back."

"Who are you and what have you done with Perth?" Mean's brows rose. "Or did Lay feed you that line? Butch and bossy? Seriously? " He snorted and turned back to the house, bumping his shoulder into Perth's. He still didn't like the notion of feeding on someone other than Plan before the man turned into a vampire, but he'd need the extra strength to combat whatever thing he was up against.

Mean's shoulders were slung over Perth's arm. "You sure think Lay has a lot of influence over me. I mean, seriously, Mean. You should know that I'm definitely the one in charge."

Mean burst out laughing and shook his head, his arm grabbing Perth's shoulder and tugging him into the house. He grumbled through his laughter, allowing himself to be distracted for the rest of the journey.

*** to be continued ***

I hope you had a good time. Last time I have talked to you all was so long ago and now I'm here again telling you after a week of voting my rightful president whom had concede after the voting result, to my president Senator Panfilo Lacson, I salute you sir.

ren 💙

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