chapter 6

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chapter 6

I still couldnt believe it. Axel. THE axel. Asked ME. to be his girlfriend. This is so unbelievable. Im still in a major state of shock. Wow.

Of course im going to be his girlfriend!!! I've been planning to marry Axel since first grade, since i was in the womb even, he's totes the man for me. I always knew we were meant to be together. I can't wait for us to move in together and play a big dramatic wedding and invite all of our bestaes to it. I bet he has a big thingy.

I woke up the next morning with my depression cured. I was popular. I had a hot boyfriend. Charbie is destroyed. I was feeling powerful. Time to get dressed for the mood: powerful!

I put on a quirky pink crop top with a white tshirt underneath to hide my stomach- im not some kind of w word, and especially since i now have a boyfriend, he wouldnt want other guys looking at me. Then i put on bright purple ripped jeans with red fishnets and neon green platform boots. I was feeling UNSTOPABLE.

I came down the stairs with axel already waiting downstairs for me.

"U look slutily gorgeous baby girl" he growled in his wolfy voice. I almost started shaking- his compliments were always so heartfelt.

"thanks " i smiled cutely and uWuly and innocently at him. He held out his massive muscular arm for me to hold to go down to the great hall.

"im so freaking happy that im your girlie!!" i squealed.

"of course honey babydarling boozies, we lokk so goodie together." his vocabulary was always effing so attractive.

When we walked into the great hall, all eyes were on us. people were in AWE of us when they saw us. We were the hottest people in the entire school. All the girls were so jealous of me for having such a hot boyfriend. All the guys were jealous of him cuz he had such a hot girlfriend. I felt on top of the world. I couldnt be more powerful than i was in that moment.

And then i saw her. In the corner of the hall. Alone. Everyone laughing at her. Crying. Charlotte. Her entire self was so pathetic and sad it was funny honestly. I started laughing her way.

"Look how small and pathetic she looks" i laughed and told axel.

"Right look at her sad and small image, shes so sad" he responded.

I decided to walk up to her. I walked up to her and laughed at her face.

"Aw look at u. How does this feel NOW. being so small, unimportant, despised. Could NOT be me. how the tables have turned!! Look at who's MY boyfriend now HUH." i told her and laughed. She cried even harder, pushed past me and ran away. Everyone around us started laughing, and then they all clapped at me.

"You go bella!"

"That was so amazing bella!"

"We love u bella!"

"you totally slayed that ur my icon bella!"

I smiled, totally proud of the new, UPGRADED, me. I sat down at a table, across from Axel, and ate an omelet. Axel was eating some meat because he needed it for his muscular muscles, obviously. He's a strong alpha vampire baddie anyways.

"How do you get such amazing muscles babe??'

"I work out every day for 10 hours babe."

"Oh ok babe that's such an amazing and inspirational babe."

"It takes a lot of work. It's about drive and power babes."

"Wow that is so awesome and totes cool bananas!!!!" I squealed cutely.

When we finished eating we got up, he hugged me around the shoulders and we went to class together. He walked me to my class, and kissed me on the top of the head!!!!!!!!! Then mysteriously strode away in his long strides to his class. i couldnt take my eyes off him until he turned a corner and disappeared. He was so amazing. So hot. So alpha. So attractive. And he chose ME. i still could not believe it.

end of chapter 6

A/N: hey kittens!!! im so happy for bella arabella!!! she totally destroyed charlotte with her coolsieness and hotness. shes my forever icon!

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