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"The development of Senpoku forest is imperative, there may be resistance to the idea of displacing the Beastfolk but we need to forge ahead with our plans of creating a new city where the Senpoku forest currently grows." A bald man stated assertively, as he exhaled the smoke from his pipe. The scent of to tobacco permeated the air with the smoke's slow diffusion into the room.

"But sir, the protests for the protection of the forest have grown considerably in the nation, there are also growing concerns regarding the way the beastfolk would react to being displaced from their homes. Humans and beastfolk haven't been on good terms since the ancient war that took place between the 5 civili-" a frail man in coattails spoke in a polite manner but was cut off.

"Then we must simply do what is necessary." The bald man interrupted, adjusting his gold framed glasses with this index finger. "You see, Albert, politics is, and has always been, about appearances. If protestors are peaceful, we can introduce violent elements among them to derail their protests. Then we can simply paint them all as enemies of the nation, in which case violence becomes justifiable."

The light through the window coated everything inside the room with a golden hue, but even that couldn't fix Albert's thinning grey hair which struggled to hide his inevitable baldness.

Albert picked up the tea pot set on the mahogany table and poured a cup of tea for his superior. The clinking of ceramic and metal was audible as he stirred the silver spoon to mix the sugar, the steam emanating from the hot cup of tea was almost therapeutic in its own way. Albert handed the cup plate to his master.

"Sir," Albert continued, " But what of the Beastfolk? Can we afford a war without the support from the fellow races of our civilization?"

The bald man took a sip of the tea ,while blankly gazing out of the large window in the room, and placed it back on the cup plate with a gentle clank. He then picked up his pipe and brought it to his lips, but instead of taking a drag, he turned towards Albert, "It is true that the Armor Lords and the Mecha race wouldn't co-operate with us because a creation of a new city in the Senpoku forest doesn't benefit them but I did get some members of the Dragon race to join our cause. It is said that the Senpoku forest is abundant in flare-stones, while they aren't of much use to us or the beast folk except as cheap decorative items, the dragons seem to value them highly, in exchange for their co-operation I have promised them unregulated access to underground flare-stone mines. I have no idea what good the orange trinklets are to these dragons, but if they'll help us overcome the beastfolk, I could do away with it."

Albert picked up a matchstick and struck it, then brought the flame to the pipe, the bald man took a drag and the flame got sucked into the pipe, his tobacco now glowing orange.

He walked gracefully yet confidently across the room to a book shelf. He produced a key from his suit and then pulled out "Crime and Punishment by Dostovsky" from the shelf. The book was attached to a thin string. As soon as he pulled the book out, the bookshelf began to vibrate. The book shelf split in half and then began to open outwards like a door. The bald man quickly placed the book back in its rightful place as the book shelf slowly opened revealing a locked door inside.

The man then inserted and turned the key into the keyhole. The key turned rather smoothly as the lock opened up with a satisfying clink. The Bald man opened the doors to what could be called a huge stack of files all alphabetically arranged. His fingers hovered over the files and then he pulled out one of the many files placed under the letter "C". When he shut the doors and locked the doors, the bookshelf began to vibrate to a close.

He walked back to the table and gently tossed the file in a way that it slid towards Albert. He then retreated to his chair and took a puff from his pipe.

"You see, Albert, this man is of interest to us. He can help us deal with the protests in the city of Norcon. He already has a business there which has bee thriving largely due to us turning a blind eye to his activities. He could help us derail protests for the protection of the Senpoku forest."

Albert, opened the file. The first page had an image of a man covered in a black suit, only his eyes were visible.

Claws...that criminal involved in prostitution, extortion and assassination?

Albert flipped through the file and then looked up at the bald man, "Sir, I understand the rationale behind working with a man such as Claws. His massive influence in Norcon means that it should be easy for him to infiltrate peaceful protests by placing his local henchmen. But, why would he want to work with you? We may have largely turned a blind eye to him but anytime someone reported him and we tried to catch one of his men, they'd never be caught and the complainant almost always died the same night of paralysis. He definitely has ties with local authorities, he doesn't have any incentive to work with us."

"And that's where you are wrong, Albert", the bald man replied. He brought his left hand in the air and quietly chanted, "Uncommon Ability: Vaulted Catalogue!"

His hand was surrounded by a gentle blue aura for a moment and then a leather card-sleeve appeared on top of his hand, floating midair. He moved his right hand beside his left and chanted inaudibly. The sleeve opened to reveal a large deck of cards, a single card flew out of the deck into his right hand. The card had two letters written on the back; "SR". The card was covered in a golden aura. Albert was surprised to see the card.

"I'll make him an offer he can't refuse." The bald man finally said, undoing the magic. The leather sleeve disappeared, all that remained was the golden card.

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