Chapter 11

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"Ohh, you boys got here before I did." A lady said as she walked into a spartan looking room with a stone table placed at the centre of it.

"You are late as always, Boram." Ghost smiled at her through his gray mask.

Boram was a stunning lady with green eyes, she was completely bald and had two black horns protruding from the top of her head. She had a pointy nose and full and supple pink lips. Her skin was fair and smooth. Her well defined jawline complimented her slender and athletic physique, her shoulders were rounded off and her breasts small due to her muscular upper body. While her brown robe with runes inscribed on it hid much of her womanly charms, there was no mistaking that this fire monk had a long string of men longing for her. In her line of work, love wasn't an option.

She looked at the man who stood beside Ghost. It was Fox. Fox stood beside Ghost with two short swords attached to his back forming an "X" on his back. He wore a brown leather coat. Fox had red hair that swooped down on both sides of her face and a pointed nose. His eyes were jet black, quite like Claws. His face was narrow and pointed. Similar to Boram, Fox had slender physique, the only difference was that Fox was tall. He was taller than both Ghost and Boram.

"Hola!!" Boram greeted Fox flirtatiously. Fox continued to have his back turned towards Boram, barely acknowledging her existence. He was quietly staring at the stone table ahead of him.

Boram took a step towards Fox. He suddenly turned and before anyone could see a thing Fox had his blade resting on Boram's chin. Ghost looked at Fox and then at Boram with a fascinated smile.

"Not another step." He said, he had a deep voice.

Boram put up her hands, "Foxxy, you know you really should open up, we have known each other for years now, can't I give a handsome man such as yourself, a hug? Its been so long since we all last saw each other."

"Keep your hands to yourself or I will cut them off." Fox replied coldly and then sheathed his shortsword.

Suddenly, ripples formed under Boram's shadow and a dark figure emerged from Boram's shadow. She didn't turn back, a smile emerged on her face as she kneeled down on the floor, bowing her head. Fox and Ghost followed suit as well.

"Haha, no need for the formalities. Come have a seat." Claws laughed. He held in his hands a mutilated leg belonging to what appeared to be a human infant. The three henchmen stood up but none of them took the seat.

He walked upto his stone table and sat down, placing the leg on to his tree stump. With a few whacks he split the infant leg into four pieces with the cleaver stuck to the tree stump.

This time there were a few papers on that desk and what looked like a map on the desk.

"Care for some?" Claws asked, serving a piece of the infant thigh on the blade of the cleaver, "its tender."

Ghost picked up the raw piece of flesh and removed his mask, exposing his mouth. He bit into the thigh with his teeth which had been chiseled to make them pointed, giving him a demonic appearance. The flesh exploded, squirting out a small amount of blood, it dripped down his grey mask, staining it. Ghost continued chewing after pulling his bloodstained back over his mouth. Boram and Fox took a piece as well, neither of them were fond of eating humans but they knew better than to be on the receiving end of Claws' wrath.

Claws left the foot to himself, he cleaved off the nails of the tiny foot with his blade and began to rip out the toes with his teeth, devouring his meal.

"Alright, so we have an important task and I am gonna need all three of you to work on this." Claws said while chewing on raw meat. "So basically, look at this map."

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