Chapter 4

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Xed squinted as the rays of sunlight fell on his face, awakening him from his slumber. He was still groggy, his head felt heavy. He sat up on his bed with his hands infront of him. Staring blankly at the wall, memories of what he had seen yesterday emerged yet again. A wave of emptiness came over him as he realized that he was all alone in this world. He had no place to call home, nobody who would love him and nobody to love. He was angry at the world and his circumstances but had no idea where to point his anger and hatred towards.

Suddenly, Xed heard a knock on the door and then the door opened. Aemon entered the room. He wore a blue tshirt with black track pants, his long hair were neatly tied up in a pony-tail and his eyes gleamed and glistened. He had a sympathetic smile on his face.
In his hands was a mug of coffee. Steam rose from the mug as he walked towards Xed, gradually diffusing into the air.

Aemon walked up to Xed and placed the coffee mug on his bed-side table.
"Here, have some." Aemon said.
Xed remained quiet but picked up the coffee mug.
"Have it, it will make u feel a bit better, you had a dislocated shoulder and a few broken ribs among other problems, we fixed it though so you should be able to move as you normally would." Aemon continued.

Xed remained quiet. He didn't quite know what to say or what to feel. This man, he had bought him twice at this point and was nothing but kind to him, a feeling of guilt overcame Xed as he brought the coffee mug to his face.

"I am sorry." Xed finally muttered.
Aemon put his arm around the boy's shoulder, "What for?"
"I ran away." Xed started sobbing.
Aemon smiled at Xed warmly, he hugged the bald and scrawny boy gently, "There is nothing to be sorry about. I told you that you were free from the moment we set foot in this house, right? You simply did what you wished to do."

Xed continued to sob, Aemon faced the boy and wiped his tears away with a soft handkerchief that he produced from his pocket. "I know how hard it must be for you, Xed. And these aren't just empty words. I really do feel how you feel. Because I am just like you in a way. I don't have a family, I don't have anyone."

Xed stopped crying and looked at Aemon,his voice was still hoarse, "really? What happened to them?"

"They all died, everyone I know is either dead or won't be able recognise me anymore." Aemon said, his warm smile hadn't faded.

For the first time in a long time Xed felt something in his heart. It was a warm feeling, a feeling that emanated from the stomach and warmed up his whole body. Aemon could relate to Xed and just like him, Aemon too had no one he could call family. He felt that he could put his faith in Aemon, that he could trust him, he felt loved and cared for in a way that he never felt even from his real family. He stretched out his arms slowly and wrapped them around Aemon's torso. Aemon's body felt hard and muscular, there was no give to it anywhere and yet somehow, Xed felt at peace when hugging Aemon. He knew that the trauma of losing his family would haunt him for a long time but he also knew that he'd want to be by Aemon's side on this long and arduous journey to recovery.

"You said something about me learning to defend myself." Xed finally said.

Aemon looked surprised, "Yes, I did."

"I'd like to learn it, so that I can defend those weaker than me. Would you please teach me Master Aemon?" Xed said.

"Just Aemon is fine." Aemon interjected, " and yes, I can teach you, from this day forth you are my apprentice."

"Thank you, maste-" Xed began to speak.

"Uh Uhh." Aemon looked at him sideways

"Thank you, Aemon." Xed corrected himself.

"Just learning how to fight isn't enough." Aemon continued, "There are other things you'll learn under my apprenticeship, I will teach you to read and write, and some essential skills like making your things like making your own tents and cooking. I also need you to pick a thing or two that you enjoy, we'll add that to the mix too."

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