Chapter 6

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The waiter wasn't in his usual attire today. He sat waiting patiently, in Ghost's office chambers of the Ghost Town Restaurant. Ghost only visited the restaurant once every week, on all other days, the waiter was the highest authority. He was trusted by Ghost to occupy his vacant office seat and manage assasination related affairs.

He had a job to do today, a job that came under the purview of special services of The Ghost Town Restaurant.
The Waiter sat in behind a table in the dark office. There was barely any light coming in, the small slivers of light that entered the room, illuminated just enough to show that book shelves were placed by the walls in the room and the table took the centre stage in the room. There were three chairs in the room, one cushy chair on one side of the table occupied by the waiter at present. The other side had two of the standard minimalist chairs found everywhere else in the restaurant. There were a few Decanters placed on another table on the far side of the room.

The waiter heard a knock on the door.
"Come in." the waiter said.

A dark silhouette entered the room.

"Ahh, Kiro, please have a seat." The waiter said.

"The man walked up to the waiter and pulled up the chair to take a seat. The dim light finally illuminated his face. He wore mirrored shades and had pale skin. His lips had a cut running down it. His body was very slender and he was quite tall. In his ears he wore diamond ear studs which refracted the light quite well resulting in a lusterous shine.

"Yes, Mr Smith. What can I do for you today." Kiro said.

The waiter replied, " I am going to need you to take care of someone for Ghost. You'll find all the information here."

He pulled out a file from underneath the table and slid it across the table. Kiro's fingers stopped it.

Kiro flipped through the file, taking a cursory glance at the contents and requirements of his work today. He had a puzzled expression on his face.

"You want me to kill some slave kid, Mr Smith?" Kiro narrowed his eyes and looked at the waiter.

"Well yes, is there a problem?" The waiter asked calmly.

"Well, no, not really. Look if you are gonna throw money at me I am going to take it." Kiro said, " but some random dude under Ghost could have taken care of a kid, i will cost twice as much and the kid is not gonna be any deader even if he did die by my hands."

"His master apparantly killed four men at once. His master is also a very wealthy artist living in the Dragon Valley. It took me a lot of digging up to find out where and to whom the slave boy was sold." The waiter replied, speaking in a monotone, "I don't think he is particularly strong because the four men he killed were drunkards anyway but in the off-chance he decides to defend the kid, you'd be able to deal with the owner quite easily as well."

"Alright, I'll take a look at it." Kiro said. "When do you want him dead?"

"As soon as possible. Ghost was quite upset due the revenue he lost as a result of those four drunk bastards dying." The waiter said.

"It shall be done tonight." Kiro said, pushing his shades up his nose with his index finger.

The waiter opened the drawer underneath the table and produced a leather pouch. Tossed it across the table, "that's half. The rest will reach you upon completion of the service."

Kiro extended his arm across the table and retrived the pouch. He undid the leather twine sealing its contents and took a look inside. The bag was indeed filled with the right amount of gold.

"Well, I think I will be off then." Kiro stood up.

The Waiter nodded. Kiro walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. The waiter remained alone in the room once again. The waiter placed his palms on the table stood up from his chair. He then walked to the Decanters to the other side of the room. The decanters were shaped like a skull along with skull shaped drinking glasses. There were a few varieties of alcohols, the waiter picked up the decanter that contained a red liquid. He pulled out the glass lid shaped like a traditional cork from the cranium and poured himself a drink.

He then walked back to the table and began to sift through other service requests. He brought the skull shaped glass to his lips and took a small sip of the red-colored drink.

The target is just some slave kid and an artist, but why do I get this uneasy feeling at the pit of my stomach that things aren't as they seem. What master puts his own life at risk for a slave and what artist fights 4 thugs unarmed and comes out victorious?

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