Chapter 27.1: Obsession

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Chapter 27.1: Obsession

Tamson had refused to sleep in her room that night. She refused to sleep period. Her eyes glowing green gold she refused to let Kale out her sight, sitting him beside her as she went through paperwork, explaining everything to him. They had dinner in the library and 'slept' on the couch once more,  Tamson lay her head on Kale's chest as he rested and let the thud of his heart lull her into into a relaxed state. She didn't want to miss a moment.


The next morning Kale drove to work in Tamson's Jeep, her eyes half lidded and warm as she stared at him in wonder. She smiled softly every time he glanced her way, which was often. Her eyes still amazed him, they were so beautiful with that gold of Chiffon's influence sparring through them.

The book store was already open when they arrived and two dark haired girls were walking around the store running their hands over the books affectionately. Geraldine came into the room with a pot of coffee, she beamed at the sight of Tamson and looked so much younger, her deep eyes warming with the light of joy. "Tamson!" The other two girls' heads snapped up only to bow to their Alpha.

Tamson smiled and murmured for them not to be so shy. Mel was one of the girls and she smiled brightly at her Alpha's words. The two girls continued browsing the books, just content to touch them.

Geraldine sat in the corner of the store where a set of old couches looked inviting to sleep or read on. She placed the coffee pot on an ornate tray on the coffee table in the centre of it all and gestured for Tamson and Kale to sit. "Kale, I'm firing you."

Kale just turned to Tamson and said playfully, "Are you planning on hiring me?"

Tamson laughed and took an offered cup of coffee. "I'll think about it."

Geraldine smiled at the pair, happy to see their comfort levels were so high. Tamson needed someone to love romantically, she needed someone to make her feel her age, 18 and young. Kale... she hadn't known him long but Geraldine felt that he needed Tamson, someone stable but a challenge. "These girls that you sent me Tamson are more passionate about books than I am. They don't take any money and refuse any payment other than coffee and a reading hour at the end of the day." Geraldine let her hand touch a pile of much loved second hand books at her side, their pages yellow and worn with age. "They're ridiculously organized and good with customers too."

Tamson smiled knowingly and caught the gazes of Mel and her friend, sending them a silent message of pride. "I told you I had it covered."

Tamson and Geraldine continued to talk and the Alpha eventually invited the girls to join them. Tamson saw the interest in the unmated girl beside Mel, the light lift of her pulse at the sight of Kale, but she was impressed by how well the girl hid that desire, speaking respectfully. She couldn't blame the girl... Kale was a catch, and soon he'd be hers, irrevocably.

There was a vibration in her pocket. Insistent. She pulled out her phone and read the caller identity. Her mood immediately soured. She kissed Kale's cheek - just because she was impressed by the other girl didn't mean she was going to let Kale sit unclaimed - and excused herself from the store. Anger started stirring in her. This was taking her away from Kale, and that was inexcusable.

Kale wanted to go with his mate but her actions made it obvious that this was something she wanted to do herself. Geraldine put him to work, no use having idle hands when there were things to do. Kale was convinced she made up things for him to do because the girls were on top of everything, they were good.

Sometime around lunchtime Jesse came in to pick up Mel. The couple were almost disgustingly cute together and Nova was resentful of that fact. Nova wanted his mate back with him.

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