Hello there, Reader

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Hi, Reader.

Nice to meet you. Thank you for opening up this story. Before you get started and get to know my characters I do have some warnings for you and I hope that they don't deter you.

Firstly, I have a very cold way of writing and that's because of a, the atmosphere I want to create - Ridgeweld is bloody cold - and b, I want you to make your own opinions about my characters - love or hate. This doesn't mean I'm like that in real life so please don't be afraid to point out mistakes and flaws and ask me things. I don't bite, unless you want me to.

Secondly, this relationship isn't instant! I didn't want to write about a couple that fell in love within the hour and was expecting a child within the month with a war on the way and a possible kidnapping. My characters are more... human and reserved than that, but things do heat up.

Thirdly, you're going to get as few author's note as I can give. This is not because I'm confident and do not care about what you have to say, in the moments that I am least confident you will see an author's note because I want to improve. The reason I don't put in author's notes is because I do not want to influence your experience negatively, bombarding you at every turn.

Lastly, the first chapter is an orientation chapter and is the usual length of my chapters (~3500). So please stick around and watch my pack grow, this is really only the first step...

My name is Starlitte, and welcome to the Ridgeweld Pack!

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