Chapter One

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Welcome, I'm Finn. Finn Wolfhard. And I will be telling you the story of my life, the story of the girl who changed the world for me... y/n. The prettiest girl in this world. The most perfect girl in this world. My favorite girl in this world. The girl who I will love forever. No matter fucking what.

It all started in 6th grade...

"Uhm... hi." I say shyly, slowly walking up to the girl already in front of me. She was very pretty.
"Hey!" She says.
"Uh do you think you can show me how to get to science? I'm new here and I have no clue where I'm going."
"Oh yeah of course! I have science now too so you can just walk with me."
"Really? Thanks so much!"
"Yeah no problem! Come on let's go, passing period is almost over and we've got quite a ways to go."
"Okay cool."
"I'm y/n." she tells me, holding her free hand out for me to shake, holding all of her binders and books in the other.
"Finn." I say, shaking her hand.
"Have you met anyone yet?"
"Nope, just you."
"Well it's a honor to be your first new friend."
We walk for about 30 more seconds.
"Aaannndd we're here!" She tells me.
"Ladies first." I say, gesturing for her to enter the room before me.
"Why thank you!" She says, entering the room, "Mrs Voss!" She calls out.
"Good morning y/n!" Mrs Voss says, slightly waving at y/n.
"This is Finn, he's new." Y/n says before pointing to me.
"Hello" I say.
"Hi Finn! Welcome!"
"Mrs uh..."
"Voss" She interrupts.
"Right. Mrs Voss, where should I sit?"
"Let's see... you can sit in the empty seat next to
"Okay thank you" I say.
"Come on, I'll show you where I sit." Y/n says, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the back of the classroom.
"Okay class!" Mrs Voss says, "Everyone take your seats! Today we are going to be continuing our unit on genetic codes!"
"Uh..." I murmur.
"You don't know how to do this do you?" Y/n whispers to me.
"Uhm no not really."
"That's fine, I'll help you."
"Thanks y/n."
"No problem Finn."

The day goes by and I have all but 2 classes with
Y/n. She helped me a lot today, she showed me around most of the school, introduced me to all of the teachers, helped me with everything I didn't understand, and sat with me during lunch. And, our lockers are right next to each other! How lucky can I get?!
"Hey do you know what bus you ride? Or do you walk home?" She asks me at our lockers.
"Actually, my mom is gonna pick me up."
"Oh okay. Do you think I could maybe get your phone number? Just so we can talk outside of school."
"Oh yeah sure! Hand me your phone."
She hands me her phone and I type in my number, adding myself as a contact and putting my name as 'Papi🥵🥵' because I'm so ridiculously hilarious. I hand her her phone back,
"Seriously?! She laughs.
"What?!" I laugh with her.
She just sighs, shaking her head and smiling
"I'll see you tomorrow Finn." She says, getting ready to walk away.
"Bye y/n!"

Months pass and me and y/n hang out almost every day, we're growing to be really good friends. Y/n lives walking distance from my house too, only about a 4 minute walk.

"Hey Finn!" She says, opening the door for me.
"Hi!" I say, entering her beautiful home.

"Tell me something I don't know about you" she says. we're currently both laying on her bed, just staring at the ceiling.
"Okay, uhm... my middle name is Michael. What's yours?"
"Mine is dove"
"You have a really pretty middle name"
"Thank you!"
"Do you have a crush on anyone y/n?"
"Uhh... maybeee"
"Tell me! Tell me!"
"Okay okay! But you can't tell anyone!"
"I swear I won't!"
"There's this one boy in our English class, Dylan smith."
"Shut up!" She says playfully.
There was a pause for a minute
"You know y/n, I've had a lot of fun with you these past few months"
"I've had lots of fun with you too."

Mine and y/n's adventures went on for years. So trust me when I say that this isn't the end. Not even close.
Like this one night, y/n hates when I bring it up but it's one of my favorites...

Tonight y/n is spending the night at my house for like the 5th time this month.
"I don't even know why that's so funny!" She says, dying of laughter.
"Me either!"
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back"
After about 3 minutes y/n comes back into my room in tears.
"Y/n! What happened? What's wrong?" I asked the crying girl.
"I don't know what to do!"
"Y/n you gotta tell me so I can help you!"
"No! It's embarrassing!"
"Just tell me! I'm sure it's not that bad!"
"Okay I'm like... bleeding! Like a lot!"
"Well show me so I can help put a bandage on it or something!"
"I can't show you!"
"Why not?!"
"Because I'm bleeding from my private area!"
"Oh shit!"
"Am I dying?! I think I'm dying! Is this the end?!"
"I'll be right back!"
I ran downstairs to get my mom.
"Sweetie what's wrong you look panicked is everything alright?" She asks me.
"No everything is not alright! Y/n is gonna die!"
"What?! How could you say that?"
"No mom! I'm serious! She's bleeding out of her down there area! And she said that there's a lot of blood! Mom you gotta call 911 she's gonna bleed out!"
"Finn! Calm down okay? She's not gonna die, this is normal for girls!"
"It's normal for them to bleed out and die?!"
Then my mom explains what a period is to me and y/n and helps her get what she needs and y/n eventually calms down. My mom calls y/n's mom and tells her what happened and me and y/n spend the rest of the night watching movies together on my bed.

I remember that night vividly. I remember every night with y/n pretty clearly for that matter. Everything we experienced together is too important to me to not remember.

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