Chapter Ten

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This day was one of the best days of my life. Besides the birth of my children that is.

"Hey baby?" I called.
"Yeah?" Y/n responded, looking up at me. She looked as beautiful as ever.
"Let's go to the beach."
"Like.. right now?"
"But it's 11 at night! The beach is closed!"
"So? The beach never actually closes the lifeguards just stop working."
She thinks for a second, "Fuck it, I'll be ready in 30 minutes." She says.
She got up from the couch and walked into our bedroom to get ready, closing the door behind her.
After she was done I walked in and put on my grey and blue swim shorts. I walked back out into the living room and sat on the couch, waiting for y/n to finish getting ready.
After about 5 minutes she walks out of the bathroom and I can see under her coverup the baby pink bikini I bought for her birthday, and wearing nothing on her face but some mascara.
"Ready to go?" She asks.
I didn't say anything though, I was busy admiring her perfect body.
"Finn?" She says, walking over to me and waving her hand in my face.
"Oh uh... yeah?"
"Are you ready to go?"
"Uhm... yeah," I look her up and down one more time, "you look... really good."
"Yeah I- I gathered that."
"Okay let's go!" I say standing up, slipping the small velvet box in my pocket.

We got in the car and soon arrived at the beach
"This is nice isn't it? Nobody's here, we've got the entire beach to ourselves." I say with a smirk, walking my fingers up her arm.
"Don't. Even. Fucking. Think. About. It."
"Okay, okay!" I say laughing.
"I'm getting in the water, you coming with?" She asks, taking off her coverup.
"It's probably too cold, I'll pass."
"Finn it was your idea to come to the beach, so that makes you sorta obligated to come in the water with me."
"Fine, only because I love you." I say, standing up and zipping my pocket, praying that the box doesn't get wet.
"Yay! Come on let's go!" She says excitedly, grabbing my hand and running towards the water.
"Woah calm down y/n!"
She laughs and slowly creeps into the water.
"Jesus Christ y/n the water is fucking freezing." I tell her.
"Stop being such a pussy! You'll get used to it after a minute.
I grab her by her waist and dip her back a bit, pretending to drop her.
"Finn I swear if you drop me in this fucking water-"
"What?! What are you gonna do?! Huh?!"
"Holy shit Finn I actually swear to the lords fuck if you-"
And then I dropped her. I was laughing my ass off too. After that I knew I was gonna get my ass beat so I ran out of the water as fast as I could.
"Oh you little shit!" I hear y/n yell playfully, "I'm gonna fucking kill you!"
"Oh really?"
"Yup!" She says, finally catching up to me.
"Even after this?" I ask.
"After what?"
"Y/n, remember when I gave you that promise ring when we were 19?"
"Of course I do! I still wear it every day!" She tells me, holding her hand up to show me the ring.
"Well now we're 21."
"Finn where are you going with this?"
I sigh and pull the box out of my pocket, opening the box and getting down on one knee, "y/n, I've known I wanted to spend my life with you since the day we met. Even before I caught feelings for you, I knew that I wanted you to be in my life forever, I want you to marry me y/n. Will you marry me?"
"Oh my fucking god Finn are you serious!?"
I nod in response.
"Y-yes! Of course I'll marry you Finn I love you so much." She says, crying.
I stand up and kiss her, afterwards sliding the ring on her finger, "I love you so much y/n"
"I love you too," She holds up her hand and takes a long look at the ring, "it's beautiful." She tells me.
"I know, that's why I bought it. You deserve nothing short of perfect."
"You're the sweetest Finn. Thank you."
I picked her up by her waist and spun her around, when I let her down I kissed her again and shed a few tears with her. Happy ones of course.
"I am beyond happy you're mine y/n."
"I'm happily yours Finn."

I don't remember much of that night after that point, but I do remember that we were at the beach until like 6 in the morning because we wanted to watch the sunrise together. At about 4 we were laying on the towel we brought and listening to music, but shortly after y/n fell asleep on my chest, I had to wake her up after a while so she could see the sunrise with me. Totally worth it.

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