Chapter 6: Kakashi's realization

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Kakashi wakes up and he's still holding Amira in his arms, as she stirs in her sleep. He looks over at her smiling and he realizes he thinks she's beautiful.

He can't dare say anything for the fear it might scare her away. Amira opens her eyes and sees Kakashi and quickly pulls away, she says,"im so sorry.." He looks at her, "its alright." "Please don't look at me! I'm a monster" She covers herself with the blanket and starts crying. He uncovers her face and he cups it and says, "your not a monster Amira, orochimaru wants you to believe that, but your just fine the way you are." She smiles at him.

"I'll be back Amira, I'm going to get you something to eat" She asks, "can I go?" He nods and says," of course you can!" She gets up as Kakashi offers her a new shirt to wear, she goes to change and he instantly turns around and is red in the face. "You can turn around now" as he does he smiles taking her with him to the Raman place to get food. She burys her face in his arm cause everyone is staring at her.

Once they arrive they get their food to go and head back. They get there and Amira sits on the floor, Kakashi says, " you can sit at the table" She nods getting up and sitting down.

They start eating and Amira is so overjoyed she never had anything besides a stale peice of toast. She eats it very quickly and Kakashi says, " I guess you liked it." She nods as Kakashi takes care of the bowls and such.

A little while after, Kakashi is reading his book and Amira comes behind him and is suddenly close to his face. She asks, "what you reading?" " Just a novel." She smiles and walks away to her bedroom and lays down, suddenly she starts screaming in pain and Kakashi quickly gives her the pain medication she should have been taking and he realizes, she hasn't taken it at all.

"Why haven't you taken your pain medication since you left the hospital?"
"I keep forgetting I swear! Please don't hurt me!" He sits beside her and says, "why would I hurt you?" " Orochimaru used to when I'd forget things." He pulls her close to his chest and she feels calmer then falls asleep because the pain medication makes her tired. He goes to get up and she asks, "can you please stay?" He nods and lays next to her, just then he hears a knock at the door, and he yells, "come in!" The hokage comes in and sees Kakashi and giggles a little then asks, " how's she doing?" "She keeps forgetting to take her pain medication so I have to remind her, I just gave her some, she's asleep now." She nods and says goodbye then leaves.

Kakashi looks at her with so much admiration feeling something he hasn't felt before.

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