Chapter 7: finally starting training

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Lady hokage assigns Kakashi to train Amira, teach her to use her chakra. 

He agrees and let's Amira know they are starting training. She agrees. They both head off to a clearing in the woods.
" are you ready?" Amira nods and suprisingly she's able to fight him off well and avoid his attacks. She thinks she's safe behind a tree until Kakashi suddenly appears behind her, she blushes seeming as he's really close to her face.

She gets out of his grasp and as he teaches her to use her chakra he sees how powerful she is, but not confident enough to trust it.
He goes to attack her,but she trips and falls on top of him. She realizes and quickly gets up covering her face apologizing. "Its okay, you didn't mean too. I think that's enough training for today." Amira nods as they start heading back.

After a while they arrive back to the village and head to a restaurant to eat.

Someone comes up to them and asks,"how did you get those scars?" She hesitates looking at Kakashi and he says, "we don't talk about it." They nod and walk off. Amira asks Kakashi, " can we leave now?" He nods as she grabs his arm and they leave.

Finally they arrive back to Kakashi's and go inside. She lays on her bed and starts crying once again. Kakashi sits next to her to give her the pain medication and realizes she's crying.

When he's puts away her medication he lays next to her holding her as she turns over crying in his chest. Amira suddenly pulls away and asks, "am I ugly?" He looks at her shocked," no why would you think that?"
"Look at me! I have all these scars" He replies," I think you look beautiful." "Its okay for you to be honest.." " I am being honest." She finally falls asleep and he just holds her until he knows for sure she's out then slowly gets up and goes to see lady hokage to update her on amiras condition.

He arrives and she says "come in" He walks inside and says," Amira is healing the medication is doing wonderful, but I'm concerned about her emotional and mental state it's not well." She sighs, "she will eventually get better, but I wonder why you go out of your way for her?" He hesitates... "um well uh" She laughs, "its okay if you feel something for her, there's nothing wrong with that." He nods and excuses himself.

Meanwhile at Kakashi's Amira wakes up from a nightmare and is frantically looking for Kakashi and ends up in the living room as he walks through the door, she runs to him hugging him crying.

He gently wraps his arms around her picking her up setting her on her bed still wrapped in his arms.

When she's calm he says, "you need to rest we got training tomorrow." She nods laying down and falling asleep. Once she's out Kakashi goes to his bedroom to go to sleep.

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