shadow over peace

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The next morning she gets ready and heads to the hokages office for answers.
She walks and walks making it there. Amira then walks in knocking on the door, and lady hokage tells her to come in.
When Amira opens the door she greets her with a smile but realizes she's being serious and the smile fades and lady hokage asks, "what can I help you with?"

"Remember that mission a few weeks ago Kakashi and his team went on?"
She nods,
Amira says, "I need to know what they told you after checking in"
"I can't share details of the mission Amira"
" all I want to know is what was the warning orochimaru's goons gave Kakashi"
Lady hokages eyes go wide knowing that she can't hide it from her now.

"Return Amira and he won't hurt kakshi and destroy the leaf."
Amira looks at the hokage, "so not only did he lie to me about it, you did too, I trusted you! And you lied to me!"
" Amira please you have to understand"
"I don't want to hear anymore, I'm leaving this village filled with liers." Amira walks out of the hokages office in anger.

She walks back to Kakashi's place and starts packing her things. Tears start to fall from her eyes as she continues packing her things. This is going to hurt.
Once she finished packing Amira realizes she's wearing one of his shirts and changes into one of her own laying the shirt out on the bed.

She takes one last look around then walks out the door leaving the key on the table with a note that reads,


Dear Kakashi,
I had the time
Of my life with you even if it was a short time. I found out that you lied to me, this breaks my heart, but I can't stay not after you lied to me. I'll miss you. Please don't come looking for me, you won't find me.

Love, Amira


She walks through the village with her things and everyone is staring at her. She just puts up her hood and continues walking. She sees ino in her flower shop and she walks in to say goodbye. Ino looks at her shocked and asks, "what happened? Does Kakashi know your leaving?"
Amira looks down and says, "he will when he gets back home." Ino looks at Amira
Starting to get teary-eyed.
"I'll be alright this just isn't
Where I belong." Ino hugs Amira saying goodbye to her before she disappears out the door. Finally she makes it to the front gate taking a deep breath and walks out. She walks quickly so she's gone before team 7 gets back, cause if she has to explain it again she's going to break down.

She's gotten quite far now, far enough away from the leaf.

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