Sweetness and delicacies

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Author pov:

Izumi and Makoto pass by an oddly looking store, without thinking too much of it they go on.

The sound of the bell rings as they both enter the crowded shop, they take a basket and go ahead to find what they wanted.

"Izuu look what I found"

A chocolate bar, placed in the form of a delicately sculpted and ancient wand, looking much too similar to a charm rather than chocolate.

"This looks so pretty- And it's cheap! You're lucky you found this Mei"

"I know, I'll place it in my basket and grab one more thing I need, you go wait at the reception"

Some time passed by and Makoto returned, ready to pay for everything they laid eyes on

They go outside and relax as the cold air hit them softly in the evening

"That was such a rough day" Makoto whined

"I wanna go back home, stop whining. Idiot." Said Izumi furiously

After some small talk and enjoying the cool breeze they land at home.


Izumi pov:

I really like white chocolate, it has a fine taste to me and it's my favorite chocolate

Though I wonder what that wand is, it's labeled as 'Delicate and sweet dark chocolate made for the princess above the Rose kingdom'...

Seems like a strange description to me, I won't eat it since I already ate a bit too much a few moments ago, maybe I'll get a chance to eat it tomorrow before Mei gets to it.


Makoto pov:

I didn't really buy much, just small candies and a few drinks that were also sold there.

I see the chocolate wand at the edge of the table. I pick it up and stare at it for a while

Began to feel.. Weird...

"W-what's happening !-"

I hear a loud explosion, not a fierce explosion but something more softer and like pixie dust of some sort.

What is this?

Where am I?

"The wand..."

I glance at my hand and I see the wand floating

Not to mention the way it's not wrapped in something but it looks realistic

Gripping on the wand in my hand I stop thinking about it and move on

I look around me and spot a tunnel up ahead

"This looks like an abandoned castle of some sorts.."

"I guess I'll have to make it out of here."

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