Strangely amusing

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Author pov:

"And last things last, do not get fucking close to me because I bite like a shark"

"Okay ~ Taking note of that from now on

Careful though, I might get too close to you sometimes,

just warning you !"

Makoto sighs

After Makoto explains to him what he can and cannot do in the mortal world like haunting people or disobeying traffic laws and all of that, they continue on.

Minji went to a nearby library in the castle and picked out one of the many books that seemed part of a very long series.

'The key to the mortal world guide' written by 'Butterfly'

"Here, read on page 273."

Makoto receives the book and starts to read


Makoto pov:

'The key to the mortal world is by a tree, also known as the tree of beauty and grace'

"Minji, there's nothing more to it other than a tree, beauty and grace, what could they mean by that?"

"I have yet to find out.. Haha.."

Swear I would've wanted to kill him right this second-

"Do we start looking for a tree outside the castle?"

I question him

"Call me stupid but I have no idea how to get out of here."

I sigh and start looking around

After a few hours we both returned to the main throne room.

"Found anything?" I ask him

"No, but I did see something at the beginning of the tunnel you went through when you first came in."

Oh right! I forgot about that tree

It had beautiful flowers on it and had a white color painted all over it, the tree looks dull but still mesmerizing to look at. It's hard to look away

I ran past him and sprinted towards the tunnel

As soon as I reached back at the beginning I heard some type of pixie dust noise and looked behind me; Minji was right there.

"How did you even get here so fast..?"

"Magic, remember? I literally appeared in front of you just a few hours ago the same way."

"Ah, right. Now about that tree.."


Author pov:

They both stared at the tree, it was a sight to behold.

Minji still had the book in his possession, in case they still needed it.

"So.. I skipped through a few pages and found this instruction manual on how to get to the mortal world

Since only mortals can do it, you're going to have to drag me with you"

"It says this: 'Only those with a pure heart shall go through and ascend to the ground, those who aren't will stay out or be punished. To get to there you must:

Place a rose in front of the tree

Think of a place you want to go to

Take a deep breath and run towards it

And there you go! You've reached your destination.'"


Minji pov:

I finished reading the instructions out loud and glance back at Makoto

She stood there trying to process what to do to help me get over there also.

We started on the first.. Place a rose in front of the tree

Around us were flower beds and roses, all delicately placed or planted

Makoto plucks one out of the ground and lays it in front.

Makoto had zero idea on a way to be 'pure' so called, and so chose to believe that she's pure enough to go through even if she would be punished for bringing a very much impure demon.. Which is me

"I can't think of any way to drag you with me-" Makoto said to herself out loud

As innocent as I am, I asked her:

"What if we hold hands?"

Her reaction was priceless- I would've laughed but it was so funny I honestly felt bad for her

Her face turned into a deep red and placed her hands in front of her covering her face in embarrassment.

"Don't worryyy, my hands aren't sweaty. Yours might be though."

She slapped my arm in protest and proceeded to forcefully hold my hand in response.

"Fuck off, my hands aren't as sweaty as you think they are"

My face turns into a shade of pink, I did not expect her to do that

After we calmed down and prepared everything we walked up to the tree.

I look at Makoto, she seems to be in deep thought

"Could you quit staring i'm thinking of a place to go to"

Startled as I go back to my position and wait

She looks at me and says:

"I've decided, let's go now!"

Before I could say anything she dragged me towards the tree and we both disappeared.

author note: told you i would post 2 times today :D

anyway, what do you think of the story so far? i have a few ideas on expanding it and i'd like to hear how you're enjoying it! and please also tell me what i can improve on.. lol

(I will be posting Minji's introduction shortly after this chapter, maybe a day later)

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