Favorable sunset

22 0 0

Makoto pov

Laying on the grass, and watching the beautiful sunset go down. Breathing the fresh spring air and enjoying the atmosphere around me

I was alone, on a mountain with a picnic basket laying right next to me

But I felt lonely, why wasn't anyone here with me? I glance around and look back at the setting sun, it turned blood red
My heartbeat began to rapidly increase, standing up from my position I clench my fists and began to panic.

Something feels.. Odd

"Hello! Greetings Makoto

I'd like to tell you that the world is falling apart, and you who remains here is alone forever

No one would rescue you! Hahahaha... So lonely.. Well then, 

goodluck ~!"

What the fuck?- Why is there ALWAYS some type of voice reaching out to me who I have no idea of

This is a nightmare, isn't it?

Let me grab a mirror real quick to wake myself– Kidding of course

"Why is the sky so astonishingly ugly now.."

The clear sunset like sky has transformed into something that looks like an eyeball with veins

Well shit not this again

This must be a nightmare

Amidst the uneasy scenery, daggers were pointing at her

Shit, how do I escape this now-


One dagger hit my body, one after another, the daggers kept stabbing me

I feel weak, unprepared and useless.

When– Will this- Even- Stop!?

"Alright I guess I've had my fun toying around with you, see you in some other dream!"


Agh.. no time to think about what they just said, my body hurts and I'm bleeding a ton....


Makoto pov:


I gasp and wake up rather swiftly. That nightmare was terrible, and it seemed so similar to the last nightmare I had when I was knocked out..

I'm sure it's just me panicking, right?

Haha, right?

Shit now I'm scared

I should check the time


It's 5 am


Do I bother Minji or Izumi to comfort me..?

I don't think it's a good idea

Maybe I should just watch a movie to feel better.

Few hours later

Rechecking the time, it's 8 am now

I haven't done much aside from watching one movie and then scrolling through social media

Hm? A message .. Oh! It's my high school friend, Julia. But what could she be messaging me for?

Opening the message as I read it out softly

Jul !!!!!!

Hey mei!! Long time no see. Wanna go to the park and have a picnic with a friend?

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