Chapter 1: Only Girl In The World

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Third Person pov:

A young Thalia is woken up by her brother shaking her shoulders. ... She rolls over to look at the small clock sitting on her bedside table... Smacking his hands away doesn't work, so she sits up in a huff and glares at the morning offender.

"What do you want that you need to get me up in the..." She stops her rant when there's a clang from downstairs.

She sends her brother Charles a scared look as he helps her climb out of bed. He's 12 this year, so she thinks it's only fair that he be the one to carry the bat. She's only 6, but they're both pretty special already, not that their mother ever notices.

She clings to the back of Charles' nightshirt as they head down toward the kitchen, which is where the noise is coming from. Down several halls and a big flight of stairs that she nearly trips on, they come to the kitchen door and see light flowing from it.

Charles steps forward with his bat raised, ready to strike and opens the door. "Mother! What are you... I thought you were a burglar."

The woman in the red dress smiles at her children and leans to one side and speaks to them, "I didn't mean to scare you, my darlings. I was just getting a snack. Go back to bed."

Thalia could tell that something was off, but she wasn't entirely sure what, so she just gently tugged on her older brother's shirt to let him know she was getting weird vibes.

Charles stepped forward with a suspicious look on his face but didn't say anything, so the woman in the red dress spoke up again, "What's the matter. Go on, back to bed." The children still didn't move so she leaned down with a smile, "I'll make you a hot chocolate."

Both children shared a quick look before staring at the mystery woman in front of them. She looked familiar, but this was definitely not their mother. Charles shook his head at her, "Who are you?"

The woman frowned and stepped back as Charles glanced at the picture of his mother on the wall beside the fridge before looking at the woman and putting as much force behind his tone as possible. "What have you done with our mother?"

Charles glanced at his little sister to see tears starting to form in her eyes, so he gently pushed her behind his back and started walking toward the woman posing as their mother. He used his telepathic abilities to speak in the mystery woman's mind as they backed away. "Our mother has never stepped foot in the kitchen in her entire life."

Thalia joined the telepathic conversation with her own similar abilities, causing the woman to look between the siblings in fear, "And she certainly never made us hot chocolate, unless you count ordering the maid to do it."

Charles smiled over his shoulder at his little sister before turning back to the woman. She stood facing the children as she shifted and shrunk into a child around Charles' age or a year or so younger. The girl had blue skin with patterns and red hair. She looked at Charles while his smile grew and she was confused. "You're not scared of me?"

Thalia stepped forward with a smile that matched her brother's, "We're not the only ones anymore!" She stepped forward again and hugged the blue girl, catching her by surprise.

Charles smiled at them both and addressed the blue girl, "I always believed we couldn't be the only ones in the world. The only ones who were different... And here you are." His smile grew as he stepped forward and stuck out his hand. "Charles Xavier."

The girl unwrapped Thalia from around her waist and smiled at both the siblings, "Raven." Thalia smiled up at her brother and their new friend, "I'm Thalia!"

The older two of the group laughed down at the younger girl before Charles looked back up at Raven with a serious expression, "You're hungry and alone." When Raven nodded, he gestured around the kitchen. "Take whatever you want, you don't have to steal."

Charles shared a smile with his little sister before smiling at Raven, "In fact... You never have to steal again." The three children smiled at each other before heading toward the fridge and getting out some snacks. They spent the rest of the night getting to know each other.


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