4: Nice Place

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They are so cute.

Alianna's POV:

Sure I probably shouldn't of told my sister that Gin was at my place last night, but I was just doing my job, and she said she'd keep whatever I told her about me and Gin close. The next day was calm and peaceful, until a paper airplane hit my head. Inside it said, just dress like your normal self, so I wrote ok and sent it flying back . . . It decided to take a u and fall. "Wow you suck," Gin said.
"Shut the hell up."

🥃🖤time skip because I'm lazy🖤🥃

No, no, no, this should do, and maybe my hair down.

Alright for safety, I'm keeping a gun in my purse, and maybe he'll show me new tricks

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Alright for safety, I'm keeping a gun in my purse, and maybe he'll show me new tricks.
Ring ring. Speaking of he. "Hey, Gin . . . Yeah I'll be right down." I didn't wanna keep him and his black Porsche waiting, I've known him for two weeks and I gotta say, man has good taste in cars. "Hey, Gin nice to see you a-aaaannddd you're smoking again." He had a grin on his face. "And your purse is unzipped, so I can see your gun." Shit. "Don't worry, you'll be safe in my place," he said. Then he drove off.

🥃🖤at the apartment🖤🥃

The minute he shut the door, I heard a bark. A black German shepherd came at us, I didn't know weather to run behind Gin or pull out the gun. "Let me handle this." The dog came and when Gin put his hand up, it stopped. It sniffed us and when it got to my bag it started barking again. "Take out the gun and point it down," Gin said. I did as told and the dog just sniffed my hand and gun. "He's gust trying to get your sent and the type of gun you hold," Gin said. The dog stopped then took off. I went and put the gun and my purse on the counter and saw the creepiest thing looking at me behind bars. "Gin, why do you have a kitty white tiger in a cage?" "It's not a kitty it's a cub," he said. His hair was in a ponytail, I guess I was too distracted by the cub that I didn't see him go in his room for a moment. "And now it's time to feed you both, Alianna mind helping me out."

After getting actual dog food ready—Gin wasn't done cutting the meat for the cat—Gin told me to put it next to his bed with water, he licked my hand as if saying thanks. "Hmm, Gunfire, that's what you named him," I said. "Yeah, short story behind both their names." He put the meat and water in the cage, and the tiger came jumping down to its food. "I usually feed them both before I go to bed, mostly because a certain species eats at night." "Well then I hope I'm not the only one who didn't eat," I said. "Well then I hope you like a pack of noodles," Gin said.

🥃🖤after a unexpected dinner with animals of the food chain🖤🥃

He threw me a pack of cigarettes that had only one left. "I could have smoked that one in the car when I left your apartment, Alianna, but I didn't." "So you saved it for me," I said. "I know you said you smoke on special occasions, but why not give this normal day a shot," he said. I looked at him then at the cub and dog, I thought about it and now I was getting the smell of cigarettes. "You know what this day is not normal," I took it out, "lite it." "Hehe, welcome to the dark side." After I let out smoke I laughed. "You know a friend of mine said the same thing years ago." We sat on his couch. "So how'd you give the dog it's name?" He took the cigarette out of his mouth.


"It was on a mission years ago, I set a building on fire, and as I watched from afar I heard a wimpier. It sounded like a dog, I saw this box tumble over and then he came out, still a puppy. I thought I should shoot him but my conscience got the best of me, so I grabbed him and brought him here. I washed him, fed him, then one day he went for my gun—luckily I grabbed it—I said, "do you want this gun to fire?" And he barked as if saying yes."

🥃🖤back to now🖤🥃

Even now the dog barked, I tried moving my hands telling him to come but he wouldn't. "He doesn't like the smell of cigarettes, so he's either at his bed or a few feet from me when I smoke," Gin said. "Oh," I looked at Gunfire, "you and I can relate." I looked at the cub who was doing its business in the litterbox. "And the other one, what's her name and story?" "Hmm, well you got the gender right," Gin said. He got up and opened the cage. "Are you cr—"
"Relax, Tigrerra is harmless, I clipped her claws yesterday," Gin said. I couldn't smoke anymore, I just dumped it in the ashtray. Tigrerra ran around the apartment happy to be free, and when she came to me . . . She walked slowly around my legs purring. "She wants your to pick her up," Gin said. I did as told and now I had no idea what to do. "Put her on your lap and pet her, honestly, Alianna it's as easy as shooting a gun." "Yes but this gun is rare and in danger," I said, "where'd you find her?" Gin sat back down and lit another cigarette.


"It was another mission and when white tiger cubs are born there blind for a while. I don't know I guess we just found each other, she was stranded and I just took her. With help from Sherry I knew what to do. When I saw her blue eyes I knew I wasn't letting her go, so I treated her like a cat—somewhat."

🥃🖤back to now🖤🥃

"Her eyes are beautiful," I said. "How many people know you have two animals in your apartment that shouldn't get along?" He put the cigarette out, "you, Sherry, Vodka, the old lady who lives next door who watches them at noon, and most of the Organization," Gin said. "Sooo it's not a secret," I said. "Tell and you'll have six bullets in your spinal cord." "I'm gonna shut up now."

After a drink of whiskey Gin took me home, I didn't wanna say goodbye to the animals, but one fell asleep purring on my lap so I guess it was time to leave. "Thanks for driving me home, Gin, and you know you got a nice place." "You too, Alianna." I don't know why I did it—it was probably my Latin instincts—but I gave Gin a hug goodbye. We both froze there and slowly Gin tried to give me one.
"Uh, well see ya tomorrow." I went in and left him outside.

Gin's POV:

I didn't smoke the whole ride home, and when I got back Gunfire was looking at the counter. Alianna left her gun here. I took it, it was silver and polished enough to see my reflection, but I just saw her. "What just happened?" I asked myself.

This is where I got the white tiger idea.

This is where I got the white tiger idea

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The Black Organization with a Black Widow in it (Gin x oc fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now