Call Me Sama.

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Doukaza Smut

Was this heaven? No it couldn't be, Akaza definitely belonged in hell...but it definitely felt like he was on cloud 9 right now. He didn't want to admit how fucking incredible Douma felt inside him right now but it was evident on his face. This whole situation started with Akaza being a brat and breaking one of the vases in Douma's room. So naturally, being a rank above him and being his superior he needed to be shown some discipline for once, Douma has put up with everything his Dono has thrown at him but this was the last straw! I mean, atleast it felt good for both of them..
He felt ecstatic at the sounds of desperate,needy moans coming from the upper rank, he was pushing back on his cock with each thrust. This obviously made Douma's pride swell to no extent, he had made this stubborn,bratty,determined demon that always seemed to hate his guts, turn into a completely writhing and begging mess underneath him.
It was pathetic, really.
He gripped Akaza's hair tightly and yanked his head upwards. He leaned close to the uppermoons face, chuckling sadistically and smirking. "Gee, Akaza-Dono! You look awfully's not that i'm complaining. You are just so cute like this~ All fucked out and begging for more even though you always prided yourself for believing you were stronger than me!" Akaza had done his best to growl at the man but it came out as more of a whiny groan, so he did his best to glare at the man instead. His glare faltered as soon as he felt the overwhelming tightening feeling in his stomach, he was gonna cum! Douma knew it too, he could tell. Therefore, as soon as he felt Akaza was going to release, he stopped Akaza from doing so. Akaza gasped and felt like...crying for the first time in decades. To have such pleasure taken away from him at the very edge of release was overwhelming, but alas he shook it off as to not embarrass himself by crying infront of this emotionless bastard...
"You fucking b-bastard...why the hell would you..." Akaza was in a daze, he couldn't finish his sentence but got his point across nonetheless. Douma simply grinned, hand tightening on Akaza's hip which was now bruised and would stay that way for awhile. Demons regenerated from dismembering and other blood related injuries but bruises were a different story. Not to mention, bite marks and hickeys! As long as he didn't draw blood that is.
"Oh silly Akaza-Dono! I can't let you cum that easily can I? That's a bit boring...unless..." Douma was obviously leading onto something and Akaza grunted, glaring at the demon. "U-unless what...?" Douma hummed and grinned stupidly..."Call me Douma-Sama." Akaza's eyes had widened in sheer horror from the mere thought of calling this asshole a name that was above him, just to cum?! But...fuck if he didn't feel like melting in Douma's embrace and sinking onto his cock forever...
"W-what?! Crazy bastard!" He yelled, face flushing a dark red. "You heard me, the only way i'm letting you release is if you call me Sama and beg for me. Make your decision quickly Akaza-Dono." Douma had been thrusting shallowly, hitting his prostate dead on as he spoke his request. Akaza hadn't even been able to form a coherent response how was he supposed to beg?! Obviously, the twisted bastard was aware of this and only stopped to let Akaza speak. Akaza panted harshly and whimpered at the emptier feeling. He needed to release. Badly. It was starting to hurt...
Lord forgive him for what he was about to do...
He looked back at Douma, swallowing thickly and closing his eyes sighing. "Please....Please let me cum on your dick, Douma-Sama~ I need it so badly! I feel like i'm going to die if you don't fuck me right now..." Technically most of that was completely and utterly true but Akaza didn't have to admit to that. Douma nearly came inside Akaza have this egotistical demon reduced to a pathetic cumdump just for joyous it made him! His heart was practically exploding! How was he supposed to refuse such a pathetic,whiny and absolutely adorable request from his dear Akaza-Dono?!

And so, that's how it went. Akaza was able to cum but lord knows Douma didn't stop there. Best to leave the rest of the night up to your filthy imaginations. Hint; it involved a lot of bondage,degrading,and temperature play!

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