Pink Hair.

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Human!Akaza x Alive!Rengoku Fluff
No dead hashiras!

Akaza paced back and forth worried, goddamn it! He didn't intentionally mean to dye his hair completely pink! Did it look bad? It probably looked horrible! Oh my god...
He whined and pouted. He was more irritated than worried, the real reason he was worried was because of Kyojuro's reaction! What if HE didn't like it? He perked up as he heard the door to their shared home open. He fidgeted with his engagement ring anxiously. He couldn't have pink hair at the wedding!? He groaned internally.

Rengoku had a pretty long day, i mean slaying demons was no problem for him with his skills but it didn't make it any less tiring! Not to mention, he didn't like seeing the pain,grief,misery and sadness of some of the people he had been able to save. But, the one thing he always had to look forward to after a long day of work was the love of his life. Hakuji! Hakuji who always cooked,cleaned and comforted him after these long days. Hakuji who he pampered and protected at every cost. Hakuji who he would give up everything for. And they would be getting married in a few weeks! They were keeping it a secret from their friends until they sent out the marriage invitations.
Anywho, as he walked through the door and took off his shoes and haori. He frowned when he realised Hakuji hadn't already greeted him, as he usually always did when Kyojuro returned home. He shrugged it off however, assuming Hakuji was just a little late or asleep. As he walked to their room and walked inside, he could see Hakuji but...he was sitting up with a blanket over him? "Hakuji! What are you doing?" His voice boomed with the typical happiness it always had in it. Hakuji jumped and chuckled sweetly. He was facing Kyojuro but his hair was covered by the blanket. The smile on Hakuji's face made Rengoku's heartbeat speed up. "Nothing, Kyujuro. I apologize for not greeting you at the door...i must've spaced out." Of course, that was a lie and Rengoku could see right through it. Hakuji was troubled in some way. And that didn't sit right with Rengoku. So he picked Hakuji up, "No wait!--" But it was too late...the blanket had fallen off and Rengoku gasped. Hakuji covered his face that was now red, from embarrassment and humiliation. Rengoku put Hakuji down and regained his composure. "What did you do to your hair, Hakuji?" It wasn't a question that was asked in a disgusted or weirded out kind of way. It was asked in pure and genuine curiousity. " well...i was a bit clumsy and accidently dyed my hair pink...i'm sorry, i know it's not the best but i'm sure it'll wash out in a few weeks, hopefully before the wedding." Hakuji had rambled, like he typically did when nervous or stressed so Rengoku only laughed, causing Hakuji to swallow thickly and put his head down slightly. "That was indeed clumsy of you! You need to be more careful! However, i think you still look equally as beautiful as you were when i first met you!" Hakuji gasped and blushed, heart rate speeding up as he stumbled on his words. "Y-you really like it, Kyo?" Kyojuro only boomed with laughter and smiled greatly. "Of course i do! As i said before, you look as gorgeous as always Kuji!" Hakuji's heart fluttered and he felt those damn butterflies he never seemed to be able to get rid of, dance around in his stomach...

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