Jealousy, Jealousy

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Kokukai,No smut

The one thing Kaigaku found himself jealous of most, was Zenitsu Agamatsu. The little brat...
It just seemed like his mentors eyes were always on him! How could they be on him of all people? He's a weakling! He couldn't even figure out ONE form when they were younger! So how could his eyes ALWAYS be on HIM?! This angered Kaigaku to no end. It's his own mentors fault he turned out this way. If he had just paid attention and had as much faith in Kaigaku as he did with that whiny brat, he wouldn't have ever agreed to become a demon in the first place!

The thing Kokushibo always found himself jealous of most was his own younger brother. How could he not be? He was better at Kokushibo in everything...
He wanted to become the greatest swordsman of all time, and Yoriichi swiped it away from him like a little rat. For fucks sake he defeated Muzan-Sama and nearly killed him! That could've been him. That SHOULD have been him.

So naturally, the two bonded over this asset. Kaigaku got to visit Kokushibo naturally, since Kokushibo had trained him as his underling and eventually, his sexual partner. One day, Kaigaku was sitting on the futon, sweaty and panting after a long day of sparring. Kokushibo didn't break a sweat of course. Kokushibo sat down beside him and bluntly stated, "You begin to get sloppy when you use up all your stamina. Try increasing it." Kaigaku simply glared and responded quickly, "Yeah? You try being Uppermoon 6 and fighting with Uppermoon 1 for hours on end..." Kaigaku huffed. Kokushibo didn't respond. "But, it's better than being human and attempting to spar with that weakling of a little brother i have..." Kaigaku muttered softly. Kokushibo stiffened and quirked a brow. "You have a brother?" Kokushibo asked curiously. Kaigaku scoffed, "Used to more like. He was human and a complete crybaby! The fucking best part? My mentor always seemed to favorite him! Him over me and he didn't even know ONE breathing style or form! How idiotic is that?!" Kaigaku ranted, he hadn't realised he had been ranting but he couldn't afford to care, he always had fury when it came to talking about his weak, little brother. Kokushibo hesitated but nodded. "Yes, i can't say my situation is EXACTLY like yours, but my little brother is the source of my problems as well." Kaigaku, confused at the fact Kokushibo had a little brother, wondered if they were in a similar predicament. He was right. "Why do you say that?" Kaigaku asked curiously. Kokushibo has never been one to tell about his brother, but as ashamed as he is to admit it, he feels warm around the lower rank demon. He doesn't know how to explain the feeling, but it's like he wants to be near Kaigaku at ALL times, it's annoying and disrupts his practice but maybe that's why he's been inviting Kaigaku to spar with him so much more lately. Anyways, point is he doesn't typically confide in people but he might need to make an exception...just this once. It's not like it would hurt him.
"My little brother used to be a useless nobody. Until he picked up a sword and became better than me, despite my efforts and dreams to be the greatest swordsman. After that, he got all the praise and attention." Kaigaku snorts. "Looks like we both got annoying,pest brothers then?" Kokushibo didn't respond, only nodded. They were alike in that way. Somehow that one conversation escalated for hours and hours of ranting from both parties. Kokushibo doesn't think he's ever talked so much in his demon life, and the stupid organ in his chest kept beating faster and faster each time Kaigaku opened his mouth to speak. Maybe he should rip it out, maybe it would stop the feelings he was experiencing. Or maybe it wouldn't...he would have to find out but until then. The feeling of warmth was nice.

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