Sanemi and Genya

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Not a ship for fucks sake😭
A/B/O dynamics, Genya experiencing his first heat with Sanemi helping him through it, Good brother Sanemi.
Implied MuiGen, Implied SaneGiyuu.
Genya yawned, stretching as he woke up and moaned at the crack of his bones. It was a nice morning, sun leaking through the curtains while he was sprawled out on the comfortable futon. His desirable morning was short-lived, however. He suddenly felt too hot, but he assumed it had just been from the futon. So, he got up. Nothing, he still felt like his nerves were on fire. He huffed, starting to feel a bit irritated. He must've had a fever of some sort, that was the only thing that explained his sudden symptoms. But then, all of a sudden, he  could feel something. Something wet, trickling down his back thighs. He hesitantly brought his hands to the bottom of his shorts, gasping softly at the wetness that coated it. Did...did he piss himself? He reluctantly sniffed his hand, but it didn't smell like piss. In fact, it really didn't smell like anything. He was beginning to grow anxious, what was going on? Even as he tried to get up by himself, he gasped in pain and fell back down onto his futon with a loud thud. With that, he could hear loud footsteps frantically running to his room and he could smell the panicked scent of his older brother, Sanemi. "Oi, Genya! The fucks happening? You alright?" Sanemi shouted from outside the door, knocking with more aggression than he probably intended. Genya knew Sanemi only used his name when he was serious or angry, which made him whimper. Was he crying? Why was his sight so blurry? He never cried because of Sanemi calling him by name, why was he acting so sensitive today? It was clear Sanemi could smell his younger brothers pheromone souring, meaning the boy was in some type of distress. He growled at the thought of his brother being hurt, even if he would never admit it. At that point, Sanemi didn't give a fuck and swung open the door.

It revealed Genya, curled up in a fetal position in the corner of his room and sobbing uncontrollably. Sanemi stilled, feeling a sharp tug at his heartstrings. He tried to maintain his...usual...demeanor. "Hah? Fucks up with you brat?" Sanemi closed the door behind him and stood in front of the trembling boy. Genya sniffled, but couldn't help tearing up more. He was so emotional that he blurted out, "Why are you standing so far away from me!? You hate me 'Nemi! You hate me!" He sobbed, souring his scent further. Sanemi just looked at him with shock, but he snapped out of it at the smell of Genya's pungent scent. But there was something else laced in his scent, something that he hadn't been able to notice before. Slick. It was slick, and it made Sanemi's stomach tighten with anxiety. There was only one way to figure out if he wasn't being delusional, he sat down beside Genya's smaller form. He sighed, softened his gaze and lowered his voice as he spoke softly. "I don't hate you brat, I don't know what possessed you for you to think that, tch." Sanemi pulled the boy closer, laying the sobbing boys head onto his shoulder and cooing encouraging words towards him. Soon enough, Genya's eyes were a puffy red but he wasn't crying anymore. With his sour scent slowly disappearing, he sniffed around and smelt exactly what he had been dreading. An omega in heat, Genya was finally presenting. And he was an omega.

Sanemi sighed, running his fingers through Genya's black locks. "Listen brat, what you're experiencing right now is your first heat. I've gone through this before with Tomioka, so I know what to do." Genya's eyes widened with fear, he didn't even care about the admission his brother made to sleeping with Tomioka, he was just stuck on the heat part. "But 'Nemi! That would make me an omega! I'm....I'm not a..." Sanemi attempted to soothe the boy, rubbing circles on his back gently. "I know, I know you didn't expect to be an omega. Hell, I didn't either. But for now, we have to work with it. You need to make yourself a nest." Sanemi knew Genya would need a nest in order to feel comfortable during his heat, it was imperative considering it was his first heat. Without one, he'd freak out and could even pass out multiple times in the worst case scenario. Genya whined, shaking his head while burying his head in Sanemi's shoulder and breathing in the comforting scent of his family. "I don't know how!" Genya exclaimed in a frustrated voice, making Sanemi coo at him while patting his head. "I know, I know. Trust me, your body will know what to do. Just try it for me, okay? It'll make you feel better and it'll make sure you don't feel anxious for the duration of your heat." This made Genya go quiet, but he reluctantly nodded his head and released himself from the crook of Sanemi's neck. Sanemi did need to go and gather some materials for Genya's heat, knowing it would become much much worse throughout the hours and following days. The hard part is that Genya won't let him go, he knows this. Experiencing his first heat makes him more sensitive and prone to stress, if he even tried to leave Genya alone for more than 2 minutes? He was sure the poor omega would have a panic attack. He reached for his phone, dialing Tomioka's contact number instead.

"Hello Sanemi, it's a bit early isn't it? Is there something you need?" Tomioka's soft voice spoke through the phone, though it wasn't hard to tell the omega had just woken up. Sanemi ignored the flutter of his heart in favor of getting Tomioka here quicker to help his brother, who was currently looking confused as he searched around for clothing, pillows, and blankets. "Yeah, listen Tomioka. My brother's experiencing his first heat, let's cut through the how, when's, and where's for now. I can't leave him alone to go gather stuff for his heat, which you probably know. Is it possible that you could drop off some snacks, water, and a heating pad?" Tomioka was silent momentarily as Sanemi finished talking, but he replied shortly after the shock left his body. "Of course. He can use my omega blanket too, if he wants. I'll be there momentarily." With that, the omega hung up. It was sweet really, the Hashira offering up his omega blanket anyway. Not many omegas liked sharing things like that. Genya whimpered, snapping Sanemi out of his thoughts. Before he could even ask what was wrong, the omega told him himself. "Nemi! It's all my clothes! There's no variety and no scent and I hate it!" The omega was close to tears, even with his nest assembled. Not bad for a first heat, he must say. The alpha sighed, dialing Tomioka's number for the second time.

"What is it? I'm on my way." Tomioka didn't sound annoyed or irritated in the slightest, but Sanemi still felt bad for calling twice so soon. "Sorry for calling back so soon, Genya doesn't have any scent variety in his nest and he's upset about it. Is there any way you can...stop by Muichiro's estate and collect some of his stuff? And some of mine when you get here?" Sanemi asked pleadingly, he knew Genya was very close with Muichiro and the Mist Pillar's estate wasn't that far from his own, so he would be the best option. "Of course. No need to apologize, first heats are never easy. I understand, I shall be going now." Once again, the omega hung up. He loved that compassionate idiot.

When Tomioka finally arrived, he was relieved to say the least. Genya was throwing a tantrum the entire time it took Tomioka to get here. The omega left everything Sanemi requested outside of Genya's bedroom door, making it easy for Sanemi to grab it and rush back inside. Genya's nose twitched and his mood shifted, he was happy. "Is that Muichiro's blanket and pillow?" The omega purred as he instantly piled it all into his nest, curling up with the blanket lovingly. And Sanemi knew then and there that Muichiro was a little more than just a friend to his brother. It made him agitated but he had to reel his scent in so he wouldn't stress Genya further. "Oi, brat! Get some rest, but you have to wake up for lunch and dinner later! If your cramps get worse, you can try one of these heating pads. If you start to overheat, try out the omega blanket." Sanemi crawled inside the nest as he was saying all of this, making Genya nod and yawn as his eyes began to droop. Sleep would give Genya some peace. He smiled slightly, cuddling his beloved baby brother. He truly didn't deserve to go through such pain so early in life.

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