6. Who is he?

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Abhishek wakes up with a bad headache. It takes him less than five seconds to figure out that he's in his room. He hisses when his arm hurts as he lifts it. He looks down at the neat bandage, blood marks on it. It all rushes back to him. The night, that guy - John, that girl, Pragya. The icecream, her stupid talks, the medicine.

"Morning!" He hears Rita greet as she enters into the room. She sits the tray with two cups of coffee on the table. "How are you feeling figilo (son)" she asks.

Abhishek sighs as he sits up straight, his back resting against the pillow. Rita sits at his legs. He doesn't answer but picks up his mug of coffee.

She taps on his leg, eyebrows raised in question, "Hows your arm?" She asks again.

"Fine" Abhishek says, his morning voice gruff and deep. He hands the coffee mug to her. Rita mutters "still stubborn" as she sips her coffee.

Rita is Bani's nanny, well technically she was when Bani was young. But now she's nanny for all three of them. She has taken care of them more than their ever did. Rita now lives with them. Abhishek thinks about how difficult it would have been without her.

He is interrupted with his thoughts when the door burst open. He doesn't look up. Bani, annoyed at this hits his arm. "This could have gone so much worse Bhai! Seriously!" She yells. Her voice cracks, seeming breathless.

He looks up, lifts his un-injured hand to hold her's in his. He taps his thumb thrice on her hand as she breathes in relief.

A technique to calm her down, Abhishek smiles when she hugs him. He looks from her shoulder to see Rita smiling at them, her face wrinkles as she smiles. But Veeranshu looks pissed.

Bani sniffs as she takes his mug, more like snatches it from Abhishek, pulls Rita to the couch to sit beside her. Rita hugs her muttering spoiled child.

Abhishek looks at Veeranshu, opens his mouth but Veeranshu raises his hand in air.
"Don't oh-I-am-hurt-so-Veer-will-forgive-me, I'm not Bani. Not that Bani isn't amazing and wonderful human being" he gives a sheepish smile looking at Bani who rolls her eyes.

"I never even apologized man" Abhishek admits with a smirk which annoys Veeranshu more

"Oh, haha very funny. Do not interrupt me today. I'm so annoyed with your dramas already" Veeranshu exclaims as he paces around the room.

"It's rich coming from you that you claim others are dramatic!" Abhishek shrugs when Veeranshu glares at him, shaking his head like a tired mom.

"Yeah and I do drama" Abhishek mutters but is hushed by Rita.

"Oh, that's Ri. Atleast one person on my team" Veeranshu yells. "And, for your kind information, I'm not dramatic-" Abhishek huffs at that, "-but if I am, it's all because of you and your egoistic ass" he completes, as his fingers point at Abhishek.

"Oh yeah. Blame me you moron" Abhishek says which makes Veeranshu's glare red hot, matching Abhishek's.

"Okay stop both of you! Are you really fighting 'cause he told the truth." Rita shakes her head when Abhishek scoffs. "No don't. You know what you did yesterday could have gone the other way. What if he had other plans? Not you come on Abhi!" Rita finishes as Abhishek looks down.

When Veeranshu chuckles. He gulps down his words when Rita's glare is on him.

"You're not less Veeranshu. He's hurt and you're arguing with him. You are infact dramatic." Rita raises her hand when Veeranshu opens his mouth. "He's egoistic and you're egoistic. Match made in heaven!" Rita sings as she moves out of the room. She kisses Bani's head as she leaves with the tray with the mugs.

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒐𝒏 𝑴𝒆𝒕 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒐𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓 Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum