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09 MARCH 2022

𝟬𝟭:𝟬𝟬 P.M. 

Jungkook had been sitting on the ground. Trying to orientate his thoughts and calm down. He was trying his hardest to figure out what was going on. 'Who the hell was Mr. J and why did he order two men to essentially beat him to death'. Every muscle in his body was aching, any slight movement caused unbearable discomfort. But even with all the chaos going on in his body and mind he still needed to get back to the hotel quickly. He may not know what he did to Mr. J but he certainly knows his goons will be going for Min Yoongi next. 'I need to get back right now', he thought to himself.  He put his hands on the ground and tried his hardest to push himself off of it. He stood up, trying to be as firm as possible whilst gathering the strength to take his first steps forward. As he moved a sharp pain shot through his gut. The pain served as a reminder of the earlier events. He gritted his teeth in annoyance and tried his best to walk without paying attention to the blasting pain. Jungkook clutched his stomach and moved ahead. He winced with every inch forward. He tried his hardest to suppress the soreness and move as quick as he could.  

Jungkook had been wandering the streets for what seemed like ages. He limped around, dragging his bruised and battered body towards the sidewalk providing himself safety away from passing cars. That was the only safety he could give himself; he was already in a life-threatening position and didn't want to add more to that. He was looking for any sense of familiarity or any indication of where he was. His vision was a bit hazy and he couldn't really recognize anything around him. He couldn't tell if he didn't know where he was because of the trauma he just experienced, or if he really didn't know where he was. Either way, he was still walking on the sidewalk, hobbling in a hurry. His current plan was to walk until he reached a gas station, or at least a notable road sign that will direct him somewhere close to familiarity. As he was limping, he  took notice of the streetlights. Not only were they lighting his way but they provided some sense of comfort, they were active guardians and guides to his lost path. Those lights were the only thing keeping him going, they were the only light of hope to an otherwise dark situation. 

As Jungkook tries to quicken his pace he notices that the light he was comforted by grew brighter, but it didn't come from the initial source. Jungkook turned around to see beaming headlights heading in his direction. The car stops at an abrupt halt once its driver notices who is walking on the sidewalk. The headlights continue to shine on Jungkook, their blinding brightness make it difficult for him to see the car. The driver of the vehicle turns off the headlights and opens the car door. 

"Jungkook! Oh my Gosh where the hell were you everyone has been in a panic looking for your ass". 

Jungkook was still suffering from the blinding effects of the headlights he looked into. He could barely make out the face of the driver but he sure knew his voice.

" Taehyung! man, am I glad to see you" 

TIME BOUND: a Jeon Jungkook ff seriesWhere stories live. Discover now