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09 MARCH 2022

𝟎𝟐:𝟎𝟎 P.M.

"Argh" Yoongi exerts, "Where the fuck is he?"

"Yoongi all we can do right now is stay clam, they couldn't have taken him that far" Jimin states, aiming to ease Yoongi's nerves to some degree."

"Jimin, I appreciate you always you trying to be positive, but now's not the right time". Yoongi says as he grabs Jimin's shoulders and moves him aside, opening the path towards the hotel phone. 

Yoongi dials the number three, which is a direct pipeline to the hotel's lobby. 

"Hotel Chronométreur, how can we be of assistance?" 

"Hi, sorry. I'm calling again to check if you've seen anyone come through to the hotel, again he is a tall, semi-built boy with scruffy dark hair and an innocent demeanor" 

"Is this the gentleman in room 613?" the hotel clerk asks in a clearly annoyed tone. 


"Listen, for the last time sir, I will call your room when someone of that description has entered our hotel building." 

"Yes I know, but I'm just making sure just in case h- 

"Sir, you have called us 7 times already,  I assure you if anyone of the nature you are speaking of comes through I will make sure I call you right that second." 

"Ok, but- 

"Thank you very much sir" the clerk says briskly before cutting of the line. 

"Argh, fucking asshole, he cut me off!" Yoongi exclaimed with furry in his voice. 

Yoongi walks with determination to the front door. "I'm going down there", his hand already on the handle. 

Jimin grabs him by the waist and pulls him away from the door, leading him to the couch. Jimin sits him down and rubs his back to calm him down. 

"Yoongi leave the poor workers alone, if JK makes an appearance I'm sure they will call us right away. Please just calm down for now." Jimin continues to rub his back, speaking in a soft tone. 

"What if they did something to him, what if they hurt him, what if- " 

"Yoongi, I'm sure they didn't do anything to him, you said it yourself... Mr. J said he'll only send the boys to scare him off a bit, I'm sure he's okay." 

"Yeah, but I messed up big time. Jungkook wouldn't be involved in all of this if it wasn't for me." Yoongi says somberly. " I should've just told him everything". 

"He doesn't need to know, all we have to do is make sure he stays away so he doesn't get hurt. Mr. J is protecting JK for himself essentially." 

"Do you trust that he is really doing that?" Yoongi asks.  

"No, but I know he wouldn't kill him." 

Yoongi stood up. "I'm not taking the chance," he said as he started to make his way to the room's phone. Just as he was about to dial the lobby, someone knocked on the door. 

Jimin ran towards the door. He eagerly yanked it open, making it swing on its hinges aggressively. He made a quick and enthusiastic greeting to the figure at the door "Hey JK", he greeted before noticing who was actually in front of him. 

"Oh." Jimin uttered in disappointment. Jimin's smile disappeared as soon as the clerk in front of him wore his own. 

"Sorry to disturb you sir, but I've come with a special guest that made a request to see you" 


"You are Mr. Min right?" the clerk asks in confusion.

"That would be me" Yoongi says as he moves swiftly towards the door. "is it the boy that I asked about earlier?" Yoongi says, the heat of stress melting away with the thought of Jungkook finally arriving at the hotel. 

"Unfortunately not, but I've brought you one of our most frequent and esteemed guests in Hotel Chronométreur. He specifically requested to see you." the clerk steps aside to allow this guest to face the two boys. Jimin and Yoongi's faces drop when they realized who this highly regarded guest is. 

"Mr. Min, please be honored to meet Mr. J" The clerk declares, peeking his head in the gap between Mr. J and the door's opening.

"No need for introduction my friend, they know who I am. Very well in actual fact." 

TIME BOUND: a Jeon Jungkook ff seriesWhere stories live. Discover now