6.Tired Trio and the Bridge Battle

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"So, today we'll be training...You guys know chakra, right?" asks Kakashi when Naruto says "Yeah, I had heard it somewhere...somewhere in the academy I guess" while Tatsuo and Sakura facepalm and Kakashi asks Sakura to explain, to which she hits on a full boring ramble, after which Naruto gives an unsatisfied smile and looked like confused, she again facepalmed and Kakashi asks Tatsuo to explains it again to which she agrees "Naruto, substitute like this –

Ramen = chakra

Soup = spiritual energy

Noodles = physical energy"

Sakura, in confusion, looks asks Tatsuo bewildered by the substitution to which she replied "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough...wait and watch..." she starts again "So, just like your life is nothing without ramen, any jutsu is nothing without chakra " she paused for a second and gave a smile to other teammates and continued "Just like ramen gives your life and power, just the same chakra gives life and power to your jutsu...You know, the best combination of Noodles and soup forms the best ramen, and the best of both your spiritual energy- the soup, and physical energy- the noodles, forms the best of your jutsu, just like the best ramen..."

"Woah...I get it now..." he said rubbing his hand on his hair "that was a whole lot easier to get than Sakura's explanation" he said to which Kakashi sweat dropped while she smirked and Sakura furrowed her eyes with anger while Sasuke merely muttered "What's up with her?"

"Good. Well, enough to get understood by Naruto. Well done, Tatsuo...So now let's start"

He was explaining about it when Sakura heard what Kakashi said and did it easily, like it was nothing and when they all notice Sakura is not there, she called them up casually "The view is great from here" to which everyone was surprised and because she was good enough, Kakashi told her that she can train a while and then leave.

Meanwhile, the three, Naruto, Tatsuo and Sasuke were struggling in their own ways...Naruto was not able to generate enough Chakra....Sasuke was exerting too much chakra...Tatsuo was generating the correct amount of chakra, but she was struggling to maintain it for a while...Seeing the whole situation, she went to Sakura for some tips, and luckily, Sakura was not like always...She seemed different while she gave the advice...Maybe sleeping with Sasuke changed her views on me...

After a while, when Sakura left, she went up to Naruto, and said "Got an advice from Sakura...Wanna know? Maybe it can help" to which he agrees and she gives him her advice while Kakashi was watching everything when Naruto says "well, don't tell this to teme" Now Sasuke was also eavesdropping... "Leave him on his own" she gave a sly smirk and said "Naruto, this place is not worth eavesdropping, right, there's nothing important going on like people think. C'mon, I bet, I'll reach the top faster than you"

"Oh, not a chance m'lady" he smirks as they both start and after they both reach about the same spot, they both fall but Sasuke holds them and says "You both are getting tired" when both scoffed together "Nothing of your business, Mr. superior" as he got both of them down while he asks "what...was. I-uh...How C-Can you—"

"What is that, just spit it out" she said like she was not interested at all, to which he said "Can you guys give me some tips on how to do this?" to which they both started laughing and she said "You better go to your fangirl...She gave me that advice for your sake...Not to mention, what happened yesterday, she's still unaware about that." She said as they both leave and Sasuke was sitting there alone and while going, she scoffed

He ignores and they all start training...She chose the middle one, Naruto the right one and Sasuke the left one...After training a lot, they both were tired, when Naruto says "Reina, I'm very tired...Can we take a break" and Sasuke agrees but Tatsuo, somehow had enthusiasm and she said "C'mon...You're not the Naruto I knew. He used to be too determined to do anything new. And you are just a tired chick...And also, our 'superior' wasn't like to give up so early, so what happened to him too?" (She said 'superior' quoting and emphasising)

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