Lilium Act 1 - 3: Beauty of Music!

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"In life, we hide the parts of ourselves we don't want the world to see. We lock them away. We tell them "No", We banish them, but here, we don't... Welcome to Montero." - Lil Nas X





"Alright, guys and gals it's time to show off your work!" Midnight announced to the art club

Izuku and the rest of the Art club went over to their canvass and took off their sheets and presented their work and Midnight was beaming with excitement as she prepared to look over their pieces.

Midnight first looked over to Mawata's drawing only to see that it was a bluebird flying up into the bright blue sky, a d trailing behind it was what Midnight suspected to be lyrics from a song.

"Very nice Mawata!" Midnight said with glee, she then got a closer looked at the lyrics before looking at the 2nd-year-student, "What song are those lyrics from?" She asked

"From the song "Blue Bird" which was sing by ikimono gakari," Mawata said

"Hey, wasn't that the song used for the 3rd opening for Naruto Shippuden?" Sen asked with a smile

Mawata nodded, "Yeah, though I admit, I didn't really know it was used for the opening until recently, I just listened to it without knowing, it's also just one of my favorite songs," Mawata said with a smile

"Very good Mawata!" Midnight said as she moved on

Midnight looked over to Sen's work and saw a familiar spaceship flying around the earth, with the words "Whatever happens, happens" written in the stars.

"It was inspired by Cowboy Bebop," Sen said "Bebop is a type of Jazz and the opening to the show was an amazing song," Sen proudly

"Ah, another one with passion and oh so close to the heart of the artist!" Midnight said with a smile

She gave Sen a thumbs up and then turned to Reiko's work. When she looked at the work, on it was a half-naked Witch, wearing nothing but a pair of thigh-high black boots, a pair of black opera gloves, and the common pointy hat associated with witches. The Witch was playing a bat-shaped guitar while other half-naked witches were tied to stakes.

'Isn't that a little inappropriate?' Izuku thought

"Oh my! How lovely!" Midnight squealed with a blush

'Oh right... I forgot who runs this class...' Izuku thought again

"Thank you, Ma'am, this drawing was based on the song "American Witch" which was written by songwriter and horror director, Rob Zombie in the US," Reiko said

"Well, I do have to say Reiko that your drawing is really good~!" Midnight said with a lick of her lips.

However, Midnight took herself out of whatever trance she was in and finally moved over to Izuku's work. When she saw it, she was surprised to see that it was a drawing of Jirou sitting on a couch while slowly playing her guitar.

"Wow, Izuku!" Midnight cried "This is really good, this is much better than even what you do in class! Though, I have to ask, why Jirou?"

Izuku scratched the back of his head as he sort of blushed, feeling embarrassed, "Well, she sings a lot of songs and I hear her play her guitar some time, and she just really reminds me of music, so I asked for her help and she agreed," Izuku said

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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