Chapter 1

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Alice's POV

I hated school. There was a good explanation for it though, from such a young age they only talk about the 'Vampire Prison.'

They only cared about getting a vampire pet to be their slave and protect them. You see by law we're all urged to get a vampire pet on our 18th birthday and I'll be 18 tomorrow.

And it scared me. Really scared me.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about the whole issue since last week. Even when I'm at school it keeps coming to mind.

It doesn't help that the teachers give us lectures on it to 'help' us pick the right vampire.

Deep down I knew that they were probably all the same with their sharp fangs, pale white skin and bright red eyes which scares the shit out me.

I wasn't 100% sure that's what a vampire looked like, but I've saw them before and you would be hella surprised how much they are able to blend in with humans.

"ALICE!" My best friend Issy shouted in my ear to gain my attention.

I jumped up from my desk and noticed that I had dazed out. I placed the pencil that I was fidgeting with on my note book to take a look at Izzy.

"Sorry, you know how I feel about all this and with my 18th being tomorrow I just can't stop thinking about it."

She looked at me giving me a soft smile even though I could tell by looking at her she was sad that I had to leave.

Her birthday wasn't even until the end of the year while mines at the start. Lucky me. *note the sarcasm*

"You'll be fine Ali, they can't hurt you, just listen to Mr Finn talking about them."

She was right, he was explaining to us enthusiastically about how we treat the vampires and their history.

She then stated for a fact "They may be powerful but we'll always have control now. Like we have for years."

I nodded my head at her words also knowing that she was completely right. We've had the upper hand for years. Especially since the vampire king is locked up.

They say that he's separated from all the other vampires and they keep feeding him food with lots of vinegar on top.

Vinegar and silver are a vampires weakness. With him being the vampire king he's the strongest creature living. But since they give him vinegar on every meal and make sure he's got silver chains on he gets weakened to a normal vampire I'm pretty sure.

The room he's separated in unlike the other vampires that are able to walk around in their cells and leave for lunch and go out on breaks the vampire king wasn't allowed no such thing. Not without a human guard at least, but he never had one since he was too vicious towards the humans.

Known to be kept in a smallish cell with chains all over his body keeping him in place.

But we get told his stories quite often at school and honestly...

I want to be no where near him. It's true, just the thought of being next to him makes my skin crawl and shiver and goosebumps appear with fear.

There's a high chance that I might have to enter the monsters cell. Just because he's locked up with high security doesn't mean that no human enters.

I heard you get forced to look after him or give him vinegar.

Not to mention he's got a reputation of not being the least bit friendly. It's common for him to snarl and bare his teeth at anyone that goes within his cell.

Also, do people think just because he's the vampire king that he doesn't get to be chosen by a human? HA WRONG!

I shiver with just the thought.

I knew deep down the stories were real.

"CLASS DISMISSES IN 5 MINUTES!!" Mr Finns voice booms through the classroom causing me to jump before turning to Issy, seeing her paying attention to every detail,

Vampires are vicious creatures that don't care about humans!
Well yeah, why would they care about humans when they keep their species kept locked away I thought with a snort.

Issy looked at me and asked "Why do you seem so amused?" Causing me to shrug "How does anyone expect the vampires to care about us if our species are keeping their species prisoner? I rhetorically ask.

She furrowed her eyebrows before replying "I get your point Alice, but they need to be. They are dangerous you know this."

I did, of course I did. Everybody was aware.

She then continued with a face of horror "Imagine if the vampire king was free!!"

I looked at her with the same mortified face "Now that's definitely something I don't want to be imagining!"

She laughed and patted my back before focusing back on Mr Finn for the remaining 3 minutes,

"Once you all chose one vampire make sure that it listens to you." He stated while gesturing his hands to make a point.

"Because we all know that once you pick a vampire there is no going back or returning."

"Pffft, that would just make the decision making harder!" I exclaimed to Issy who was more interested in our teacher talking about vampires.

A girl in the row in front of Issy and I decided to put her hand up to ask a question.

Mr Finn motioned to her with his hand "What is it?"

She then responded in a quiet voice that I was surprised I even heard her "What if someone wants to pick the vampire king?"

Once again at the mention of him I got goosebumps. Definitely of fear I thought.

Gasps were heard from all around the room and whispers such as "Surely nobody would pick the monster?" "He would kill anyone that tried to take him." And lastly "Who would want a creature that could kill you with their mind?"

The vampire king is known to have powers but I'm not sure he can kill you with his mind I thought to myself thinking the last thing I heard deeply.

Although, he's known to have super speed, super strength, can see more clearly than humans and high sense of smell (can smell even emotions). But that's all that I have been told.

"Well I'm glad you asked." Was his response before he went silent for a second seeming to be in deep thought about the girls question.

What he said made me want to be sick and if I wasn't scared of him before I sure as hell was now.

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