Chapter 4: A Risk To take

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*Flack Back*

*Dr.Chu was 9 years old with Overwalls clothing and Pecoilus is 7 Years old with the same shirt as Pecola but with a different color and the letter, P has a different Color too*

*There at the park when suddenly some shadow came out of wood it looks like a human kid*

Pecoilus: Nice day!

Dr.Chu: yay!

*Then He saw something that was looking at them*

Dr. Chu: Hmmmm?

Pecolius: What's wrong pal?

Dr. Chu: I see something

Pecolius: See what?

Dr.Chu: Look!

*Then A fluffy Hair pop out of one of the trees*

Pecolius: What is that it's that hairy weirdo beat!

*Dr. Chu shock of Dumb words came out of Pecolius say*

Dr.Chu: What the?!

Pecolius: Well that's what kids would say!

*Then Dr.Chu smacks his paw to his Face*

Pecolius: OUCH!!

Dr.Chu: It looks more painful than what you see anyways no I don't think that some kind of monster kids are telling us about it could be something else like a new kid or a strange plant or an optical illusion some Source!?

Pecolius: Sorry they sound so real to me you know that!

*Dr. Chu gives a huge sigh*

*Then A strange came Out looking shy she wearing A cutie Minty Dress and her Hair Is Cury A Fluffy Marshmellow like hair*

???: Uhhh, hi?

Dr.Chu: Why hello there who are you?

Hazel: HonestTrust

Hazel: and I....I...I DON'T HAVE ANYWHERE TO GO!!

*Started to Cry*

Pecolius: Ahhhhh...It's even scarier than ever!

*He screams and runs off*

Hazel: *sniff* Why did he run away *sniff* I'm that scary!

Dr.Chu: No you're not

*Dr.Chu then wipe her tears off of her face*

Dr.Chu: Why are you doing here in Cube Town?

*Hazel stopped crying and told Dr.Chu and Answer*

Hazel: I'm lost...

Dr.Chu: How did get lost in the first place, Hazel?

Hazel: Well, I was with my family going for a picnic

Hazel: In is home Mystical Forbidden Forest

Dr. Chu: I heard that

Dr.Chu: My Mom said it's a place where all the magical folks live

Dr.Chu: Like Witches, Wizards, Wilders, and More!

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