Chapter 6 I'M A MONSTER

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*Later at cube town park Everyone is there*

Rudy: Man things have gone crazy right now

Mr. Saruama: Yeah my melons have to be produced by those Creatures!

Rudy: Why do you think that?

Mr. Saruama: Cuz you may not know if they like Melons

Rudy: good point but i doubt

*Rudy said while his eyes turn away*

Pecola: Ahem!

Rudy: Oh Pecola What's up did you hear about what happened?

Pecola: Yeah but that's not what i want to talk about

Pecola: I've want you to meet my new friend!

Rudy: Really and who that might be?

*Pecola then introduce Rudy to Oakley in Zer Moth form*

Pecola: Tada!

Oakley: Hello there my name is Oakley Nice to meet you!

Rudy: Nice to met you, Oakley the Name's Rudy! Rudy Shainburaito

Pecola: Is New to Cube town!

Oakley: it's great to meet you all of you folks!

*Oakley then shakes Rudy's hand very tight causing booty tend to turn red in pain*

Oakley: Sorry...

Rudy: no hard feelings!

Rudy: So where do you live

Oakley: Oh Of course is the house on a hill!

*They look at the hill*

Rudy: That's Where you live?!

Rudy: WOW I Heard is hunted!

Pecola: RUDY!!

Rudy: soh-ree

Oakley: That's OK i get that a lot

Pecola: It's Fine

Rudy: Why did you and your family move here?

Oakley: Just wanted to get away from it all

Rudy: Of what?

Oakley: The Rumors about us causing curses and mayhem happened


Oakley: a enough about that anyways what's going on here and what with the folk?

Rudy: They're scared of the alleged "human"

Oakley: Really Why!?

Rudy: Long story...

Oakley: But what's wrong with humans there not dangerous?

My dad says they're just ordinary people living ordinary lives

Rudy: Oh, really?

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