Im ga¥

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You heard me right I'm gay.
I identify as ✨bisexual ✨

And I'm gonna write about this.

So idk why I am attracted to women, as a woman, but I know I am. They're way hotter than guys imo, but thanks to my mommy issues, I don't respond to them as well as I do with guys in relationships.

There have been studies done on the LGBTQ community, that shows that a vast population of these people experienced sexual, or parental trauma as a child. I can confirm lolsies. But this is also a fact that cannot be proven, but I thought it correlated a little too well with me, and my fellow  fags.

And goddammit girls are so mother fucking fine WHYYYYY

Ooh time to talk about oppression!!

Lesbian~ we don't even need to talk about this to know the shit lesbians go through.
Women loving women has been fetishized, making their sexuality a trend. Which, is unfair and completely invalidates their sexuality. What we can do to help lesbians, is just being respectful when we see a female couple. Like if they're hot, acknowledge it (in your head) and move the fuck on.

Gay~ Ah yes our lovely men loving men. <3. I love gay guys. Not bc they're gay best friends or anything, it's just they're genuinely cool people. When talking to a gay man, I forget I'm even talking to a member of the male species, or the lgbtq. It's just 🌞energy🌞. Uh anyways let's talk about oppression. So obviously, gay men can be fetishized, but we won't get onto that, because unlike men, women (majority) don't vocalize their attraction to men on sight. Gay men are obviously victims of sexual, and gender norms. The moment a man dresses feminine, it's gay. And if a gay man doesn't dress feminine, he's a straggot. The main difference in problems between men, and women who are homo sexual, is that boys are slandered for liking men, and given a change of view. Where as women are fetishized and given the same view, or slightly varied view based on the male gaze. So we can fix our problems for our gay men by killing all the straight men. Just jokes. Are they though?
Ok but really we can help support our lgbtq men, by encouraging our men's emotions, feminity, vocalizing the difference between masculinity and sexuality, and to just stop laughing when some one calls a random ass thing "gay". Like cmon. We're all guilty of it.. I see right through y'all's closet doors.. but did y'all actually find it funny?

Bi~ HEHEHEHEH that's me. I like men. Im so attracted to men. I like women. Im so attracted to women. They both make me blush, they both make me ho- ok I'll stop there.
Bi people issues: the classic "am I really just lesbian and just realized it?" Or "was I a straggot all along, and didn't want to tell myself that, despite taking forever to even be comfortable with my attraction towards women?" And that sums up my condition.
But I will admit it, as a bi woman I have it very well off. I am straight passing, and am typically engaged in a hetero relationship (due to the fact that I look so mf straight).. so what do bi people even worry about?
Well there's a bunch of people who just.. idk- cannot fathom that people have attraction towards both men and women?
Im sure you've heard, maybe even thought "well bi people can get away with being straight so well. They should just ignore their attraction to the same gender and stick to a happy, un-hate crimed life!" And yeah I tried.
You're right.. I do get away with appearing straight so well. But being stuck in my mind, it's near impossible to just "be straight". See my brain is always making me feel different ways for different people. And growing up, I was raised Christian so being a fag was a no-no.
So believe me, I wanted to be straight so bad. I would pray every night that god would take my attraction for women away. -SO DONT MF TELL ME TO PRAY THE GAY AWAY ONE MORE TIME YOU MF- ok calm down.
Anyways where I'm getting, is that I wanted to be straight so bad. But I knew that's something I can't be. And every time I denied myself of my sexuality, I just felt a hole form in my heart, until I finally just accepted myself. And that shit was hard too. Bc now I'm illegal in like 52 countries, and may or may not burn in hell. I really wish I could say it was "a choice" for me. BUT IT WASNT. Sexuality isn't a choice.
Do you know what I would have given to be straight? Anyways, I go both ways. Deal with it.

Transgender~ as a young girl, I struggled with feeling like a girl. I didn't feel like either.  But as I grew I felt very comfortable in my own skin, and femininity. I do not identify as transgender, so I can't fully be educated on this topic, though I would like to be, and am trying. But based on my own life experiences, gender truly is fluid.
But then again I might have just experienced a little gender dysphoria due to the constant sexism I endured.
I think changing my gender would be a huge deal for me, so I'd want to wait and see for a little if that's actually what I am, if that's really where my brain, and it's chemicals were directing me, or if I truly was gender dysphoric. With that, yes it's genuinely easy to be transphobic. I've narrated transphobic thoughts in my head many times, and that's not to be blamed for, as long as I correct myself. But also I don't understand why people voice their concern on peoples genders. Like why the fuck does it matter if "a boy" uses feminine pronouns, vice versa. It comes down to general respect. If you can't respect someone's pronouns, or bare minimum keep your transphobic thoughts to yourself, then stay the fuck away from me.
A blonde, and brunette exists. The blonde wants to make themselves brunette. No one will stop them. No one gives a fuck if their hair color changes. So why are pronouns different?
And just like previously mentioned, do you know how many transgender identifying people wish they weren't transgender? It's so difficult being trans, let alone coming out to yourself.. then the world.
Gender isn't a choice.
We can help our trans population by reducing sexism, feminine/masculine connotations of objects, and just in general.. RESPECTING PRONOUNS :)

Queer~I respect y'all. Probably bc I put myself into this category as well. I love all you questioning people, y'all are the coolest. And to all of you assured people, y'all are awesome too. Not too much to cover here tbh, so comment if I'm leaving too much of the queer information out.. but ima move on.

Plus!!~Asexual, Pansexual, etc. y'all are lit. I love y'all too. You all experience similar issues to the ones stated previously. We can help our plus people, by reducing assumption, asking about pronouns and sexuality, and encouraging those in question- and keeping all their emotions and attractions valid.

That was todays segment of my controversial opinions. If I offended you please feel free to shit on me in the comments!
If you'd like to be further offended, make sure you check out the rest of my content 🙏

No choices. No "choosing".

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