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"Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red, and yellow, black and white
They are precious in his sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world"

Growing up Protestant, this song was engrained into my head by the time I spoke English.
And the message of the song.. has good intentions. This song originated back when it was common to refer to a person as a color, but now it can be seen as cruel.
Being a person of indigenous descent, (white washed as hell though..
heh love that 20th century ethnic cleansing!)
I would say that I would take offense to it based on first hearing, if I hadn't grown up with the song. Anytime we are referred to as things such as "redskins" or "Indians" it really makes my blood boil despite the fact that it wasn't necessarily said with negative intentions.
I'm not Indian. Like at all-As far as I know. Please don't say I am.
And I don't have red skin, nor does anyone else. We have melanin, which varies amongst the entire race. Please don't say I'm a "red skin"
And for the love of god please stop making y'all's school's mascots "Indians". It's quite literally objectifying us, and making us out to be seen as a war based society- which is where the "savage" term comes from.
Also please don't call us savages.
This term comes from the white based fear of indegenous raids on their land, or people.
And let's be honest how often did that really happen? And not to mention, was it not the Europeans who raided the indegenous first?

And this is only what I've seen as an indegenous, white passing woman. All the shit I have endured for being indegenous, and I don't even look the part. So imagine what someone who was describable as "more indegenous looking" has gone through.

And this applies to every other racial minority in the US. I cannot speak on behalf of any other minority, however I can promise you other races have similar negative stereotypes that make them out to be ruthless, unintelligent, and that people to see as a threat.
And think, being a person, presenting that kind of "threat" is not a good thing to have plastered on your social identity, let alone appearance.

And as these minorities are declining in oppression, it's common to see they are being fetishized, and seen as objects.

See, you might really hate skittles. Death type shit. But then someone tells you that skittles are super good, and will make you live forever.. well now you love skittles. #immortality

Think of that but with people. We are often so critical of other races, until they've been glorified, exotic-fied, or fetishized, and then suddenly it's a good idea to give them general respect.. and it's terrible that this comes with a price.

So kind of like seen in my feminism section
✨the law of conservation ✨-mass can't be created or destroyed.
It's always going to be a negative no matter how you flip the coin.

Unless you're white. Then you pretty much have a shit ton of privilege, coming from a white passing woman. And it's funny because most white people don't realize this. They think they're the oppressed ones, since they're always being generalized.
And yeah they are being generalized a shit ton, but this does not make them oppressed by any measure.
White people never get asked "where are you from.. no where are you really from?" or called a racial slur, never get denied basic decency based on race, and never gets blamed for most the shit that's their fault.
So I guess we can try to fix this issue by of course 1)helping them understand that none of this is an attack on them, but also 2)if they see it as an attack, more than advocacy of POC equality.. then we should let them know they're the issue. This may seem like it will just aggravate the shit out of them.. because it will- but it will also make them think. Is it possible I really am part of the problem? And it's better to question your privileges than to throw all your "issues" around like confetti.

Did I make you mad today? I hope I did I've been dying to get some slander.
If I pissed you off, please let me know, and if you'd like to be further offended continue reading!

My out-quote today will be a tribute to the Ukrainian and Russian attacks. My heart goes out to any Ukrainian person who has been hurt by Russias violence, due to land and invasions.
I have decided not to write a segment on this topic, for it might be deemed disrespectful. And the last thing I want to do it use the situation for clicks. But if you can, please donate to Ukrainian supporting committees, send all your prayers, (religion non-exclusive) or manifestations towards Ukraine in hopes of building up the countries defense.

This conflict has been going on for many years, I remember hearing about this as a young child. However most people are just finding out about this now that Russia has decided to truly put some arm into their invasions.
Please educate yourself on this situation, take zero governmental advice, or political persuasive advice on this topic- it is important we don't see this through capitalist nor communist eyes, but rather as eyes that can see that our world is falling apart.
Please help in any way you can, and advocate for Ukrainian support.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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