Chapter I. The child of ice

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One body, two different souls. Each one of them with its personality and its appearance. One of them with a shy, calm, and quiet nature, the other one aggressive and short-tempered. They are Yumi Ikorashi and Ryma, the golden wolf, sharing the same body, the same heart, the same mind, but not the same perspective. While Yumi prefers peace and harmony, Ryma would rather be in the middle of the fight.

During her childhood, Yumi felt another presence inside that was the opposite of her. She began talking to the other person inside and about her ability to crate and manipulate ice.

'How do I do that, Ryma? Come on, tell me. It's not that simple, like the blade and those small balls that hit a moving target...' Yumi asked her inner friend, but she got no answer. 'Ryyyyyyymaaa! Come on! Ryma! Tell me! How am I supposed to do this?' The girl was growing impatient, as the inner spirit wasn't answering her.

'Shut up, you little brat. Just focus, you can do it. It is just a dance, for Goodness' sake! Just dance the way you feel and try to control those effin' snowflakes.' Ryma answered in the end, growling at the child that kept on bothering her. Still, she had to admit that that girl was persistent and was willing to learn the abilities better.

With no other choice than to listen to Ryma, Yumi started dancing, and around her, the snowflakes began dancing as well. When the small child tried to touch one, it cut her, and the beautiful dance stopped.

What Yumi did not see as she had been playing was that a treasure hunter was watching her. She happily ran to tell her elder brother about her new ability, not bothering to look around herself.

"Ryouta, Ryouta, I found out something new." she happily jumped around her brother.

"What is it, little sister? What have you found out? A new ability?"

"Yes. The snowflakes are dancing around me, and they cut." She showed him her bleeding finger. "They seem to be some attack."

"Mom's going to kill me if she sees this cut. But I'm glad you discovered more about your powers, Yumi."

"Why are you sad, brother? Is there something wrong?"

"Because you have the power of ice... I sense something wrong in the air." Ryouta was worried about his sister. Having such powerful abilities would definitely attract hunters or thieves that could kidnap her to sell her off to some demon.

Yumi saddened, leaving her brother's arms. She had expected her brother to be happy for her, but he was not. Running into the woods, she began crying. The calm snow was rapidly turning into a snowstorm, with strong wind. She found her way through the storm quickly; however, her brother, who had been running after her, got lost, unable to reach his sister.

"Yumi, I'm sorry. Please, come back. Please, I'm begging you. Please! I'm sorry. I'm happy you discovered your powers. Please, Yumi, let's go back home. Mom and dad are waiting for us."

Yumi appeared from the storm and tightly hugged her brother. She was crying a lot; the marks of tears still visible. Ryouta embraced her, picking her up in his arms. He kissed her forehead, smiling down at her.

"Let's go home, sister. Our parents are expecting us," he muttered, coating his sister's body.

"Ok, let's go. I'm cold, brother..." the girl mumbled and hugged her brother tighter. Even though he was the one creating this storm, she was still feeling cold.

"I'll keep you in my jacket until we reach home. This storm is icy. And to think you made it. It's amazing."

"I'm surprised by this too. It seems that my feelings dictate how my powers work. But I didn't want to start it." Yumi concluded, watching the storm calming, as she was also calming herself.

"It's ok, Yumi. You can do so much more with your powers; you have to learn how to use them." Ryouta tried to comfort her, and at the same time, to make her accept her unique abilities.

On their way home, the brothers talked about her powers, and Ryma too. She had to tell him; she felt a bit responsible because he'd always helped her whenever she had problems. She told him about her inner friend, how that person explained to her how to do some tricks or more complicated exercises. Of course, the boy could not believe that her sister is sharing her body with a spirit, but he had to accept it in the end. After all, that spirit was helping his sister evolve, which was great.

By the time they got home, their parents were already outside, looking for them. They were both worried about them. Yumi ran in her mother's arms and showed her the snowflakes dancing around her hands. Her mother watched the dance fascinated, and kissed her daughter on her forehead. The old female was very proud of her, but at the same time, the parents were both scared. Their daughter's powers were great, but dangerous too. Not for the child, but for her life. It was enough for someone else to see her abilities, and the next thing they knew was a bunch of hunters hunting them down to get their daughter.

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