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The minute he stepped into the school he realized he would have many eyes scouring his body. He walked through the hallways with confidence, as a junior should. 

Amber, hazel, blue, green, and the darkest brown all looked upon him, the boy who transferred from a big city in France. His name was Pierre Valentino, but he only let his close friends call him by his first name. 

He strutted to his locker and opened the sad, metal door. Chipped paint and a rusty lock met his hand, which he grimaced at. He rolled his eyes at the sad excuse for a locker and twisted around the dial until the locker popped open with a pathetic squeak. He moved the door further away to put his bag in his locker when his ears weren't further damaged by another squeak. 

Weird. He thought as he moved the door side to side with no squeaks. 

That pathetic squeak happened again, this time closer behind him. Well, closer to his left. 

He turned his head and saw two bulky seniors jumping another junior for his lunch money. Valentino walked up to the three and moved the seniors aside. 

"Boys, let the pauvre avorton be and we will have no further problems. Take a few dimes and leave to your classrooms." Valentino spoke in a strong voice and he fished a some notes from his back pocket.

He threw the dollars at the boys who grunted and trudged away. 

"Are you alright?" Valentino asked, reaching out a hand to the boy who he still hadn't looked at, and there it was. That sad, pathetic squeak.

Valentino looked to him and take in all of his features. His big, chocolate eyes, with hints of honey. His pink lips, glistening with something Valentino can't identify. His eyes flicker to the ground and are met with chapstick that was knocked out of his hand. Valentino's eyes found his cute, circle glasses that frame his eyes perfectly. 

"C-ciao?" The boy spoke. His voice was gentle as if they were hand delivered by a fleet of the angels from the paintings in the old days.

Valentino felt heat bloom on his face as he realized he was staring at the boy.

"Sorry! You are very attractive." Valentino said, holding out his hand to help the young boy. The boy sputtered before taking his hand and hoisting himself up. The mystery boy lifted himself to his tip-toes and kissed Valentino's cheek.

"Grazie." He said sheepishly. He walked away and all Valentino could do was stare at him.


Valentino walked to his locker, grabbed a text book, and went on to his class. He strutted along the tiles like he usually did until he reached the door that read: Biologia

He took a breath and pushed the gateway to the classroom. He looked around the room and tried to take in as many faces as he could, analyzing them for who he should sit by. Then he saw a waving hand.

He looked to the hand' owner and it was the mystery boy from the halls. He was sitting next to another kid but there was one more chair available. Valentino grinned and walked up the stairs to take the seat next to the boys.

"Ciao! I'm Luca." The mystery boy greeted, "This is my best friend Alberto, thanks for helping me in the hall." Luca said, the sheepish grin sneaking back onto his angelic lips. 

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