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Hot hands, breath, scales. Every sense on fire. Teeth on necks, arms, shoulders, thighs, anywhere they could reach. A blaze building in his stomach, his mate charging in and out of him, coiling the hot wire further until his ecstatic finish.

Calling of names, scratching claws, twin bites on each neck. Tails twining and thumping the floor. Rolling around to hit the best spots. Tumbling over one another to make the other feel good.







Panting, hugging each other, giggling to hearts delight. Hands, breath, and scales are still scorching. Senses cooling down. Every limb marked.
A kiss, tongues dancing together.

A peck.

And darkness covering over their eyes.

Sleep overcoming their restless bodies.


Luca wakes up first, looking around. He doesn't remember sleeping, doesn't remember swimming to the cave he's been preparing. Doesn't remember ripping Alberto's shorts off with his sharp teeth.
But he remembers the important bits. The main reason courting was present.

He can feel the egg developing inside of him.

He smiles at his sleeping companion, now a qualified mate. He runs a hand through Alberto's paddles, grin deepening when he sees Alberto stir. Alberto's brilliantly green eyes open, purple scales turning pink at the sight of Luca.

"Buongiorno, mio bellissimo amante. [Good morning, my beautiful lover]" Alberto's morning voice called. "Buongiorno, Beto." Luca giggled in reply. They shared a soft, tender kiss.

"We should get back to Pierre." Luca said, rubbing his eyes. Alberto didn't even growl. "We should. Let's get our clothes on and-"

"Wait. You aren't mad! You made up!" Luca cheered. Luca leaped into Alberto's arms and hugged him tight, laughing and whooping.

Luca and Alberto slipped on their underwear and shorts and began their trek to the surface. Tossing each other around like a fun game.

At the house, Pierre sat in silence. He sipped at the cold tea, the sugar had drifted to the bottom. Pierre's face was tear streaked, he knew this would happen. Leave Alberto alone with Luca after telling him you love him, just for him to whisk Pierre's one true love away. He wanted to punch something, rage blared before his eyes before cooling into a mellow sadness. Pierre continued to cry and sip his tea.

Pierre wanted to duck and scurry to his room once he felt good enough to walk, but he knew there were priorities.

Unwillingly, Pierre got up from his blanket mound on the couch and dumped his tea in the sink. He washed the mug with care and cooed to it, acting if it were his child. "Don't worry, there's no Papa to scare you into the closet. They left." Pierre said sadly to the cup.

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