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Valentino walked alongside Luca and Alberto through the empty hallway. We were on our way to retrieve Luca's anxiety medication. Valentino was talking to Luca about astronomy class, and Alberto had a look of confusion and anger on his face. Alberto quickly snapped up after a few moments and took Luca's hand in his.

"Hey Lu, wanna get gelato after this?" Alberto said smoothly. He winked at Luca, who giggled in reply. "Sure, Beto. Wanna come with us, 'Tino?" Luca said, moving his eyes toward the boy's direction when he asked. His heart skipped a beat and he felt heat rush to my face.

"Uh, yeah sure," Valentino replied, hoping it sounded as suave as it did in his head.

Alberto is looking at him like he wants to kill him, per usual. "Y'know what, Luca? I think I might just stay home. I'm not craving gelato anymore." Alberto ripped his hand from Luca's as if it were burned. Luca had a look of longing on his face while gazing at Alberto, and Valentino brushed it aside, per usual.

The walk continued and everyone became silent. Luca's eyes lost their usual, joyful glow. Alberto still had that sour facial expression, and Valentino had the most absurd thoughts traveling through his brain. The young boys walked through the park and Luca attempted for the umpteenth time to hold Alberto's hand. "Stop touching me, Dio." Alberto finally growled at Luca.

Valentino was too busy in his busy head to try and comfort Luca, his thoughts at the moment focusing on why he feels like he does whenever Luca's around. He always feels warm, and at home, wrapped in his blanket reading his favorite book. But with Alberto it always felt like someone needed to break the tension, he was lucky he only got to spare a few minutes alone with the tall, muscular boy.

"Wanna go to the bookstore?" Valentino tried to suggest, getting two polar opposite looks from two polar opposite people. Luca looked relieved and excited while Alberto looked like he could care less.

"You two go on, I'm going for a swim." Alberto hastily replied before walking to the docks. Valentino and Luca watched him leave without a word and started to walk in the direction of the bookstore.


"Have anything new over there?" Valentino asked through the bookshelf, on the other side, Luca could only gasp. "Lu? You there?" Valentino asked, this time moving books apart from each other only to be met with the two most gorgeous eyes he's ever seen. Luca looked at him, tears starting to form. "Do land monsters really get... Divorced?" Luca said, if you squinted it looked like he was trembling.

"Um, yeah. Mine got split up this year, it's why I moved to Genova with my mom." Valentino said, shrugging. A few tears caused streaks of aquamarine to mark Luca's skin. He held out his arms, reaching for Valentino. Valentino quickly walked to the other side of the bookshelf and let Luca throw himself onto the taller. Luca's small whimpers and cries muffled in Valentino's vest.

"Hey, It's okay." Valentino chuckled, carding his fingers through the chocolate curls.

Luca's reply was smushed in his chest. Suddenly, a face half green perked up and human fingers cupped his cheeks. Valentino felt something in his heart become satisfied. "Are you okay? I couldn't imagine not living with both of my parents." Luca choked. Valentino's arms lifted to Luca's waist and he sat them both down, Luca straddling his legs and Valentino's back cradled comfortably against the dark wood of the bookshelf. "Let me kiss it... Wait, where do I kiss it?" Luca muttered.

Valentino's face flushed a beet red and he coughed a bit before regaining his composure. "K-kiss what?" Valentino's brain ordered his mouth to speak.

"You're sad! When I get sad, my mom kisses my gills. She says that it leads straight to my heart and the kisses make the hurt go away. It always works." Luca said, multitasking informing Valentino and looking for a spot on his neck that should lead to his heart.

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