In the sun born over and over/ In the moon that is always rising

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Title from the poem 'Fern Hill' :)) by Dylan Thomas.


For as long as Tommy can remember, even if just faint memories from when he was in another house, with more sun rays peeking through windows and freshly made food, he's been able to see the strings of fate. But those memories are mostly muffled fractions of his childhood.

At first, he saw the the yarn string that connected his father and mother together by their fingers. He enjoyed seeing the red threads tangle in the floor, and then untangle once more as his parents walked by. He'd get worried when they would step on the strings and come running to the place where they'd stepped on, but his parents only saw Tommy touching lightly the empty air. The thread seemed to stretch longer and longer as they walked by and out of the house, not having an specific size, and Tommy started looking at it as if it was something normal.
He'd pin his eyes on family member's hands in family reunions, and when he and his cousins sat on the floor to play some doll game, he'd toy with the strings around their fingers. Tommy didn't know that to anyone else, he was just toying around with the air and was just lost in his imagination. Being too busy in his own business,  he only caught the tiniest glimpses of worried looks.

One day, when he was very young and curious, he finally asked.

"Dad, why do you and mom have a string attached to each other?" His dad smiled to him, but Tommy wasn't dumb enough to not notice the hint of worry on his face. "What do you mean, Tommy?" The younger simply pointed at his father's hand without saying a word. But when he looked at his hand and saw his expression shift to a more confused look, he knew it. His parents couldn't see the strings. And Tommy could only gesture to his parents the obvious tangled red yarn on the floor, make his parents somehow see it, if they just tried hard enough. But they wouldn't.

His first years of primary school were filled with mixed emotions. First and foremost, there were so much more of them. Everywhere. Red strings would be on and across desks, dirty and messy floor, and most of the time the strings led to out side of the classes. There'd be paths of red yarn everywhere, how could he ignore it, like his parents told him to?

But there, he met Tubbo. On the first day of school, overwhelmed by all the new people and the fact that they all had strings, he couldn't notice the boy approach his desk. He hadn't talked with anyone on his class all day, tensed up and hunched in his chair, waiting for the last bell. He couldn't even hear someone approach him from all the noise. 

"Are you alone?" was the first thing Tommy heard from Tubbo. 
Tommy sat looking at him for a while, processing the sudden interaction. But the other boy just stood in front of his desk, smiling. It had just been seconds, but his smile made him feel like he wasn't alone. How dramatic, he thought.
They started talking, and it was at those times that Tommy could ignore the strings. He'd be so invested in spending time with Tubbo and talking about the dumbest things, that he'd feel actually normal for once. 
Of course, he did notice the blue thread that was attached to his finger. And even now, it hurt to see that the thread didn't lead back to him. 

'Wait, a blue thread?' Tommy finally handled the fact that there was another type of thread. Oh, how he panicked. He held a pretty good act at sounding calm to Tubbo, but when the final bell rang, he said goodbye to Tubbo, confused at the hurry, and ran as fast as he could out of the building. He didn't want to see the strings anymore. He wanted to know what it all meant. No one could see it. 'I just want answers'  he thought. He grabbed his bike in a flash and exited the school, determined to get answers out of his parents. He didn't realize himself panting and practically breaking his (pretty garbage) bike from how fast he was going, so much so that he was right at his house's front door. So much so that he forgot what his parents have told him his whole life.

He looked down, and simply placed his bike outside and opened the door. There was still plenty sun outside (as plenty as there is in sunset) but his house looked so dark and monotone. "I'm home," Tommy didn't even shout it so his parents could hear. He could hear his mother washing the dishes from across the hallway.

He entered the kitchen, wary. "Hi mom"  
"Ah, you're home." She scrubbed another plate. "Uhm,"  Tommy started, hesitating. "Do you.. uh.. remember the strings I told you about?" His mother stopped at the sudden conversation topic.  'That's it. I blew it. I shouldn't have even asked anything. Please just tell me to go to my bedroom please-'   "Yes?" She let out a sigh. 
 "ah, well, I was just curious yknow?? what do the blue strings mean? just for. uhm. curiosity."  
His mother stopped the water and dried the final plate with another sigh. "Well, Tommy, they say that the blue strings mean a platonic connection rather than a romantic one." 
"Like,, friends. Maybe one of your friends was meant to meet another one of your classmate. I don't know. I'm gonna go upstairs now, I left lasagna in the fridge. Clean your plate when you finish, kay?" She kissed Tommy's forehead and left the kitchen. "By the way, Tommy, don't lie in your classroom. You'll get yourself in trouble. You should know that." 
Tommy nodded slightly. "mhm. Bye mom." 

When he was younger, he had asked many things about the strings to his parents, but over time, as he grew older, they started getting more tired than worried. But this time he made it out alive, somehow.

He stood there alone in silence for a moment. 'Maybe tomorrow I'll talk with Tubbo again. And I'll see the blue strings.' He shifted to the fridge and found the leftover food. Everything was silent except from the sounds of the crappy microwave and fridge, and then the sounds of silent chewing. It was just another alone dinner night, but he'd gotten fairly used to the silence.

After he finished cleaning his plate, he walked to the stairs and tip-toed his way to his bedroom, as to not disturb his parents. He got to his bed and tried to sleep, but it took time until he finally drifted off. The usual, noisy alarm rung. He had thrown the covers to the floor in his sleep.


But alone dinners were forgotten when he was at school. To his surprise, Tubbo came and visited his desk and started talking again. They talked about their families-- or well, Tubbo did. His dad sounds awesome. He said that he was adopted by him, and that he's a great comedian. His name is pretty weird though, 'Schlatt' is kind of hard to write, but either way, Tommy already wanted to go to Tubbo's house and see him. 

"He was also born with these huge goat horns!! they're like mine but wayyyy bigger." 
"Woooahhh,,, that's so cool!" 
"I think he was a great business man before being a comedian too!" Tubbo stood up in his chair, making gestures with his arms up in the air, making him even more amazing in Tommy's mind.
"Wow, your father sounds great." Tommy didn't intend to sound sad, but at that last part, emotion slipped. Tubbo sat in his chair again. It looked like he was about to ask something, but recess bell rang and children screamed cheer before he could even make a sound.


As the bell rang, Tommy saw this as an opportunity to find the one who was at the other side of Tubbo's thread. He had seen his thread lead to inside the elementary building, where they were, so they should be the same age. He just never got the chance to actually see them.
Tommy grabbed Tubbo's hand and started looking. It probably would have seemed very strange in the perspective of Tubbo, but Tommy had already gotten attached to him he just needed to know. That's all he needed. To know. 

"Tommy? where're we going?" 
But all Tommy did was look at the ground, as if to scan it? find something? 

'It's so hard between all these strings..'

Eventually, the blue thread finally led to a bench in front of a the outside soccer court. And in the bench, the other soulmate sat. Just a tall kid with dirty blond hair and ridiculous glasses eating lunch silently. And just as Tommy thought it couldn't get more pathetic: alone.

Tommy let go of Tubbo's hand and started approaching the kid. "Uh, Tommy? what are you doing?"  The kid finally noticed Tommy walking fast at his direction and almost dropped his sandwich in a panic. "Wh-what- who are you?" 

Tommy checked his hand and looked at Tubbo. 
He looked at the kid again. "What's your name?"

"..R-ranboo" he gulped
Tommy slammed his foot on the bench and stared at him from the top.


He felt someone grab his arm, "Tommy! what are you doing what the hell??" Tubbo pulled Tommy away. "I'm sorry for him, I really don't know what he wants"  Ranboo laughed slightly.
"ah, uhm, it's fine" he looked away. 
"Hey." Tommy began. "We're gonna sit here. And eat. With you." 


So there they were, Ranboo, hunched up in the middle of the two boys, eating his sandwich silently. Not alone now, at least. He liked Tubbo, he was really nice. Really really nice. But it seemed that Tommy didn't like him. Or, well, he did give him a granola bar with chocolate pieces! (or more like quietly putting it on his lap). Right before saying that his lunch was garbage. (Well it was, just a sad sandwich and a pretty mushy apple, but still kind of mean). It was alright, but the sudden company got him startled, and a little afraid. Just a bit. Maybe more. A lot. Maybe a lot.

 But somehow, after days of eating lunch together with them, he felt himself get more attached to the two boys little by little, more and more. Days with them turned to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years. Time passed fast, junior high school and high school passed rapidly, but Ranboo was still one year older than the other two, which pissed Tommy off a bit too much. Point is, from that trashy granola bar, that tasted better than anything he'd had in weeks, Ranboo knew that something was going to happen between the three. From the elementary building that had that old bench whose paint was already peeling off from time, to college and friendship and possible fights, They knew. Even if some weren't exactly connected by strings of destiny and stuff.


word count: 1849 :'))

as an introduction, i think i did a horrible job, and it all looks so bad omg i hate this. GUYS I SWEAR THIS IS A BEDROCK DUO FIC JUST GIVE IT TIME LOL

aaaanyways, im tired. the next chapter will be much better though!!! i can assure you that. i think what happened is i wasnt planning on doing this much build up and got way too excited and ended up making a bench trio thing. uhm. yeah. 
next chapter will probably be longer AND THERE WILL BE ACTUAL STORY LOL and start with the bedrock duo stuff. KEEP IN MIND I WILL ALSO WRITE CRIMEBOYS DUO BCS IT IS MY SOUL AND LIGHT AND LIFE.

anyways i need to sleep bye!!! <3<3<3

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