Crashing a Wedding Day

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Not me totally getting the 'what if' ideas LMAO. So this is like an alternative ending when the proposal goes well and etc. I got it from a TikTok video so yeah, enjoy!

Dolores stood with her cousins, Luisa and Mirabel. It was time for Isabela's wedding day. She was getting married to the man she loved most, Mariano.. The proposal went well and the wedding was in less than a week after the miracle was saved. Isabela truly didn't wanted to marry him, but she didn't wanted to let her family down either. Dolores herself knew she didn't wanted to marry him either, for she had accidently overheard Isabela's and Mirabel's argument before the house fell.

Nothing could be done at this point. Both had to suffer in silence. One being forced to marry a man she didn't love and the other had to watch as the man of her dreams marry her cousin. Dolores remained quiet as both their families gush over the wedding and what awaits the future and she could only hold back tears as her cousin, looking as beautiful than ever, began walking down the aisle.

Isabela wore her hair down, decorated with jacarandas and a simple, yet elegant white mermaid lace dress with a train. She carried a bouquet of roses as she continued and left a petal trail as she walked. She looked beautiful, and Dolores had to hide her thoughts of jealousy as she watched in the sidelines.

Her cousin was kind enough to make her the maid of honor and made Mirabel and Luisa bridesmaids. Although no one, not even her brothers knew about her love for the groom, she couldn't hide her upset expression, even if she tried. The only one who had noticed her sadden expression was her mother, Pepa. Pepa was sitting with her husband and sister in the first row, but seeing how dreary her oldest daughter looked, it worried her. She looked at her sister, wondering if she had noticed as well. It took a moment before Julieta noticed as well and her brow furrowed in worry.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the love between Mariano and our dear Isabela.", Abuela Alma declared once the music ceased. As she spoke, Isabela looked nervously at the crowd around her. Mirabel had tried getting her out of the marriage but it didn't work. Part of her only wished it was all over, that she would ran away and never return. She forced herself to smile brightly, looking at her future husband before her.

Dolores was standing behind Luisa, watching as Mariano took Isabela's hand. Her mind was racing and her heart filled with heartache. She didn't feared that she may lose him for one who doesn't love him, not care for love and cherish him each day.. She then wiped her tears, feeling them fall from her cheeks. No one noticed, or no one cared.. "Is it wrong to love the groom? All MY thoughts he does consume..", she thought to herself as Mariano lifted up Isabela's veil to kiss her. "Oh, Mariano.. I'll be there very soon!"

Before the couple could kiss, Dolores slammed her basket of flowers she was holding onto the ground. Both Mirabel and Luisa was surprised by this, and so were the people standing nearby. She didn't cared. All she wanted was for him to look up and notice her and now it was her chance at last. Storming forward, she narrowed her eyes as she stared at her surprised and confused grandmother.

"I object!"

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