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!TW! attack, violence

xinlong had first seen the boy at the beginning of the week. he sat at the back of the classroom, gazing off into nothingness with his chin resting in his hand. he had cute doe eyes and chocolate brown hair, wearing a bright red sweater and black ripped jeans. it was like xinlong couldn't take his eyes off the boy, looking away with flushed cheeks when the boy would meet his gaze. 'he must be new here.. i would have seen him by now right?' he kept his eyes on the boy, the words of his teacher going in one ear and exiting out the other. he'd continued this silent admiration for the boy over the next week, yu zeyu was his name (he'd heard it during attendance, he didnt dare ask himself). shuyang, as his best friend, had unfortunately fallen victim to hearing xinlong gush about zeyu everyday while walking home, probably annoying the younger boy more than he was trying to but he couldnt help it. yu zeyu was really handsome. he'd noticed zeyus attendance was, well... spotty. he only showed up maybe 2 or 3 days out of their 5 day school weeks, and always looked tired. it worried xinlong, knowing shuyang used to be like that too before he started staying with xinlong. he kept an eye on the boy, trying to make out any injuries or possible hints to explain his behaviour. but, nothing. he couldnt find out anything about this poor boy without actually talking to him, but xinlong didnt really like the idea of embarrassing himself in front of this cute boy. and now here he sat, sitting in the lunch room and admiring yu zeyu, all while ignoring everything shuyang was saying from beside him.

"agh, he xinlong your such an asshole. ive been talking to you for like 15 minutes straight, are you even listening?!" shuyang scolded, yet still getting absolutely no reaction out of his friend whos eyes stayed glued to the boy who sat alone across the room. shuyang groaned, lightly smacking xinlong on his head to get the older boys attention. xinlong jumped before turning to look at shuyang in shock, shuyang practically cackling at the look on xinlongs face.

"what was that for, you little shit?" xinlong questioned, shoving shuyangs shoulder in annoyance.

"ignoring me to stare at prince charming over there!" shuyang teased, being shushed quickly by a blushing xinlong. shuyang started laughing at the elder, who checked to make sure no one was looking at them.

"shut up! your so loud." xinlong whisper-shouted at his friend, who rolled his eyes and shoved another spoon of rice into his mouth. xinlong looked back in zeyus direction, before realizing the boy was gone. had he already finished his lunch? they'd only been there for maybe 20 minutes. did he get sick and leave? xinlong found himself worrying for the boy, possibly a bit too often.

"anyways, are you gonna listen to me?" shuyang asked, putting down his utensils and giving xinlong an annoyed look. the elder sighed, before looking away from zeyu and turning to his best friend, motioning for the boy to start talking again. he just hoped whatever was going on with zeyu, he was at least okay.

they went back to class 30 minutes later (and an earful of whatever the hell shuyang was telling him about), and upon walking into the class xinlong noticed zeyu wasnt in his seat at the back of the classroom. the boy frowned, walking to his seat and silently hoping maybe zeyu was just running late, maybe he'd show up later into the day? but to xinlongs dismay, he didnt. not during that class, or the next, or their last class of the day. xinlong was disapointed to say the least, hoping to at least see zeyu one more time that day. the boy waked with shuyang back to their house, whining to the younger about not seeing his kind-of-hallway-crush. he was sure shuyang had tuned him out, but it didnt stop him from complaining to the boy as they walked in the door.

xinlong spent his time after getting home studying (and playing games), before he decided 2am was the best time for him to take a late-night walk around the city. he finally got out the door after a lecture about safety from none other than ren shuyang, the only other person who was awake at that time. the boy told him to stay away from dangerous areas and dont be gone any longer and and hour and a half. most of it went over xinlongs head completely, the boy pretty confident he could take care of himself. the sky was pitch black, though no stars in the sky. but thats the downside of living in a bigger city, isnt it? xinlong allowed his feet to drag him wherever they decided, and he found himself quite a ways away from his house. shuyang would kill him if he was gone for too long, and so the boy turned to walk home, until he was suddenly grabbed from behind. xinlong froze when the hand wrapped around his torso, and one clamped over his mouth. the figure behind him dragged him into a dark backstreet, xinlong kicking and pulling at the hands around him. he was thrown onto the ground, a foot pushed onto his stomach painfully pinned him down, and the boy suddenly felt defenseless. was he going to die? there was a gruff noise from the figure standing above him, before they pulled something out of their pocket. xinlong didnt waste time in looking at what it was. xinlong screwed his eyes shut and braced himself for whatever was about to hit him. the foot left his stomach with a loud thud acompained by a groan, then the sound of something falling and the gravel and dirt shuffling beneath it. xinlongs eyes flung open, only to find someone on the ground, with another body hovering over it, knealed close to their face.

"we told you to stop coming around here, fucking idiot." the new person spat in the attackers face, punching his cheek hard (xinlong even thought he saw them wearing brass knuckles). the person got up and shoved the attacker aside with his foot. "carson wants his money by the way, dont waste his time." the person turned to look at xinlong, who had by now sat up and was looking right back at them. xinlongs eyes grew wide among meeting the other persons.

..yu zeyu?

// mingruirui starts another book! i only wanted to post their first chapters but decided that was too boring haha i hope you guys like these books 

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