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!TW! fainting

xinlong stared at the other boy in shock, watching his eyes grow wide as well. "z.. ze-!" his arm was grabbed and he was tugged up mid scentance. he was pulled to look at zeyus masked face, only his eyes visible to xinlong.

"dont call me that. dont say my name." zeyu suddenly said, muffled slightly by the black mask covering his mouth. xinlong stood in shock, not being able to process a single thing going on. is this really the cute boy hes been fawning over for the past two weeks? he couldnt put the two together, maybe zeyu had some kind of evil back alley-dwelling twin brother. zeyu pulled on his arm, running away from the scene with xinlong in tow. zeyus grip was like iron on xinlongs wrist, leaving no chance for the boy to escape. if it werent for him already being rather athletic, xinlong would practically be getting dragged down the street by zeyu. zeyu didnt stop running for a second, clearly having a destination he intended to get to. xinlong thought back to the scene they both had fled from. did zeyu know that guy? and who the fuck was 'carson'? this all felt far too confusing for xinlong to handle himself. only around 5 minutes later did zeyu stop running, slowing down behind a large building somewhere xinlong couldnt recognize. xinlong leaned against the brick wall, sliding down until he was sitting, staring at zeyu in shock. zeyu pushed back his hair, letting out a frustrated sigh. "dammit..." the boy muttered under his breath, looking over at xinlong for a second. it was weird, how even in such an odd and somewhat scary situation, zeyu still looked cute as ever. wearing baggy black sweats and an oversized hoodie in the same colour. his hair was messy and his cheeks looked flushed pink. xinlong attempted to push the thought to the back of his head, now probably wasnt the time to be admiring zeyu.

"what... what the hells going on?!" xinlong questioned, voice full of confusion and accusation. zeyu sighed, putting the duffle back (that xinlong just now realized he was holding) down on the ground. he unzipped the largest pocket, fishing around until he pulled a water bottle out. xinlongs brows furrowed, why is that what hes carrying around right now, but stopped questioning when it was suddenly tossed in his lap.

"its for you. take a second to breathe and take a drink first." zeyu instructed, sitting down next to xinlong against the wall. the elder found it amazing zeyu wasnt still holding onto his wrist, considering he could really run away any second now. but he knew he wouldnt, after seeing zeyu tackle a grown person to the ground and punch them straight in the face, he didnt know what else the (still admittedly cute) boy was capable of. he opened the water bottle and drank most of what was inside, leaving a little less than half in the plastic bottle. he let out a sigh as he swallowed the water, realizing zeyu had been staring right at him while he drank it. his face flushed, as he looked away quickly. he couldnt believe even right now he still couldnt look zeyu in the eyes.

"so .. whats going on? why cant i call you your name?" he asked, dusting off his hands that had been covered in dirt from what happened before. zeyu simply sighed, pulling his knees to his chest and resting his chin on them.

"i cant tell you. not yet at least." zeyu mumbled, his voice hesitant and full of worry, an odd change of pace for the situation they were in. xinlong turned to look at him quickly, eyes wide.

"what? but i thought you said after i-" he suddenly got dizzy mid scentance, lightly pressing his palm to his forehead. "after i calm down we'd talk.." he continued, voice quieter as he started feeling almost sick. zeyu turned to him, looking sad or guilty (xinlong couldnt really tell).

"im sorry longlong... ill explain soon, i promise." the boy mumbled, gently running a hand over xinlongs hair.

xinlong looked at him, their eyes connecting for a moment. "wh.. what.." there was another pang of dizzyness and pain in xinlongs head, before his sight went black and he felt himself fall back against the brick wall.

xinlong groaned as he suddenly felt himself come out of unconsiousness. his body felt heavy, and above everything, he was tired as hell. before he could open his eyes he heard a muffled voice, as if it were in a room next to him. the speaking carried on for a moment, before xinlong was able to finally make out a few words being said.

"... go see." xinlong cracked his eyes open slightly, just enough to see himself leaned forward sitting in a chair, looking down at the gray concrete ground. a pair of black sneakers came into view, and xinlong realized someone was kneeling down in front of him. he took up whatever energy he had to move his head enough to look at whoever was before him. his eyes widened as he was met with a face very close to his, a pair of brown eyes staring right back at him. the person was wearing a mask, and he seemed to grin upon seeing xinlongs shocked look.

"aw, your awake." the person said, letting out a giggle after his words. before he could say anything back, xinlong noticed his hands had been tied behind the chair he was sitting him, rendering them rather useless. still, he tried to tug at them, hoping maybe the rope would break, or that at least anything would happen. "your only going to hurt yourself if you keep fighting you know." they teased, eyes turning into cresent moons as he smiled under the mask, though the smile was dropped when another voice was heard.

"zephyr, enough. dont try to scare him." he looked to the side where he saw another masked person (these people have a weird thing with masks clearly), and the person before him (zephyr, he assumed), gave the other an uninterested look.

"m' not scaring him. just messing around." he said leaning his chin against his hand. the other rolled their eyes and put whatever they were holding back down on the table they stood before.

"come here." they said, motioning for zephyr to move away from xinlong. zephyr giggled and stood up, running to the other person and leaning against the wall next to him. the other looked over at xinlong, who'd stopped fighting against his restrained hands for now and instead opted to just stare at the other two. then, the memories came back. meeting zeyu in the alley way, that guy, him and zeyu running down the streets, passing out.. what the fuck was all this?

the person crossed his arms, studying xinlong for a moment before speaking again. "your xinlong?" the boy wasnt sure if that was more of a question or a statement, but nonetheless, he nodded.

"yeah.. thats me.." he mumbled, finally building up the courage to talk. the person nodded, leaning his hip against the table behind him.

"you know joey?" he asked, getting a confused look from xinlong back. he shook his head slowly, shuffling around a bit in the seat. the unnamed person raised an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly.

"he doesnt know his; 'name', carson. just wait until the other two get back." zephyr said,making quotations in the air with his fingers and looking at his phone uninterestedly, as the other, now named carson looked back at him. so this was the 'carson' zeyu was talking about.. still, with that answer so many questions remained. where was he? where was zeyu? who are 'the other two'? whats going on? his mind was scattered with questioned, before a door leading into the room was suddenly opened.

// im using their english names a bit for this

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