FIFTEEN (pt.1)

35 0 1

!!TW!!mentions of death!!

the young boy awoke with a hard gasp, cold water hitting his head at every angle. as if the air had been punched from his lungs, he breathed heavily, body shivering. his hair dripped and freezing water soaked through his clothes as he looked around, two men stood before him. one held a large metal bucket, dripping with water and another in front of him with his hands crossed in front of him.

the taller of the two smirked, head tilting slightly, "if it isnt- what do they call you again? seven, is it?" shuyangs eyes widened, fear running through him at the words. the mans grin only grew wider, the second one throwing the bucket to the side. "Boy Story's newest recruit."

he looked around the room frantically, the walls were dark and damp, not a window in sight, only thing in the room being the chair and the three of them. he took in gasping breathes, panic filling his body. the last thing he could remember being sitting in the base with mingrui, both boys upon the couch each holding their phone when the door burst open. he could vaugely remember four men dressed in black with gas masks running into the room, the sound of metal hitting the ground then hissing, as a dark gray cloud filled the room.

mingrui had shouted something he didnt remember, before both boys rushed to grab their weapons. the short lived fight was a blur in shuyangs already muddled head, but the searing pain in the back of his head reminded him of the blunt object bashed into his head, which was where the memories has stopped. shuyang realized soon he was shaking. he wasnt at the base. he wasnt with the others. where was he?

he was nothing short of horrifyed, looking up at the two men who gave him menacing grins at the sight of his fear. he shivered, his bodys tempurature dropping rapidly in the already chilled environment as the room.

"what a cutie. 'teach them young', isnt that what they say, nana?" the man who previously poured the water iver his head questioned his friend with a smirk, who cackled at the comment. shuyang shuddered at the sound of their voices. he gulped thickly, chest still feeling tight as he coughed, shaking water out of his hair.

"why... why am i here? where am i?" shuyang choked out, throat feeling like its closed up in fear. the man, refered to as 'nana' looked at his hand idly, humming at the question.

"because, that stupid leader of yours made a mistake fucking with our men." he gave shuyang a sour look, the young boys blood boiling at the sound of them calling hanyu such names. "now because of him, you get to stay here until they pay up." nana gave him a grin as shuyangs chest heaved, hands tightening around the ropes that bound his wrists.

"hes not stupid, asshole! your men shouldnt have fucked with us first, maybe if their heads werent so far up their asses they wouldnt have-!" his words were cut off by a hiss as his hair was grabbed from behind him, where the shorter man stood. his head was pulled backwards until he was looking up towards the ceiling, nana seething as he grabbed the small boys collar.

"watch your damn mouth, seven. your about to make this a lot worse for yourself, you hear me?" tears pricked at shuyangs eyes at the sound of his voice, frantically nodding as best he could with his head being held back. his hair was finally dropped, shuyang gasping and letting his head dropp in front of him, breathing heavily. tears dripped down his face as fear coursed through his body, the man behind him slowly moving in front of him.

shuyang sniffled, eyes not meeting the mens, "and what happens if they cant pay you?" his voice shook as he questioned the men. the taller smirked, leaning down until his hands were rested against wooden arm rests, bringing himself menacingly closer to shuyang.

"then you'll just have to pay yourself." he cocked his head as shuyangs blood ran cold at the thought. he only then realized how very alone he was. how alone he was and how much danger he was in. and he had no one. he felt as if he reverted right back to the kid he used to be, and wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball and cry.

god, he was going to die down here. alone and cold in this dark room, he was going to die.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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