July 19, 2005

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"Breaking News! The famous 17-year-old boy Harry Styles has been murdered. He was killed at 3 am this morning! The killer is still on the loss, he looks like this, if you ever see him call 911 at once" a picture of Harry and the murder came up on the tv screen. Louis Tomlinson, the boy who was Harry's Best friend and the boy who had a crush on Harry for a while, broke down when he heard the news. He did not know what he would do without harry. What would he do without his other half?

Louis woke up gasping for air. He started crying. He was so worried if that happened to Harry. He sat there crying until he heard a knock on his window. He looked at his window in confusion. He saw a smiling Harry. He got up and opened the window. "Hey Boo," Harry said launching himself into Louis. "Hey, Hazza" Louis said trying to cover the fact that he has been crying. "Have you been crying?" Harry said looking at Louis with a worried look. "What no" Louis said looking away. "You just looked away so yes you have. What's wrong?" "It's nothing" Louis looked away again. Louis walked over to his bed and laid down. Harry soon joined him. "Come on tell me why you were crying," Harry said, laying on his side looking at Louis. "I had a nightmare all right. That's what happened." Louis snapped. Harry looked like he was gonna cry. Oh okay." Harry said getting up and walking over to the window. "Um, Goodnight Louis" looking away from Louis. "Wait, Harry. I'm sorry" Louis said walking over to Harry. "I'm sorry that I snapped at you. I had a dream you died, and I didn't know what to do." Louis hugged Harry and dragged him back to his bed. "Boo, it's okay. I understand. I had the same dream that's why I came over here." Harry said hugging Louis tight. Louis soon let go and was looking into Harry's eyes. "I'm sorry I snapped at you like that. I just did not know what to say. It scared me a lot. I don't know what I would do if I lost you." Louis said hugging Harry as tight as he can. "I would never leave you Boo," Harry said hugging Louis even tighter than before. "Man, I love you... as a friend of course" Louis said letting go and sitting upon his bed. Harry sat up as well and just looked at Louis. Harry got so caught up in looking at Louis that he didn't notice Louis was talking to him. "Harry... Harry!" Louis kinda yelled to get Harry's attention. "Yeah?" Harry said blinking repeated. "I asked you a question and you didn't answer." "Oh, I'm so sorry. What was your question?" "I asked why did you come over? I could tell you were lying about the nightmare thing." "Oh, I came over so I could see my best mate duh why else..." Harry said giving Louis the "I'm lying" look. "Stop lying. I'm gonna ask once last time and if you don't tell me then you can leave and never come back." "I-um I'm here because I haven't talked to you in like a week..." "Leave and don't come back. You are just gonna keep on lying to me so just leave." Louis said giving Harry the side-eye. Harry got up and was about to say something, but Louis shut him up fast. "Don't even try to tell me the truth now. You ruined your chances of that." 

Hey Yall! I didn't like the Jevon book, but I will still write it if people tell/ask me to. I feel like I could really write this book because of how many Larry books I have read. Like I'm on my 4th Larry book based on this kind of book idea and I'm writing some kind of book. I also like Writing/reading books like this because it gets so intense. It may or may not get exciting in the next 2 or so chapters. I hope you like this book. The chapter names will be the dates of the chapter that take place because I couldn't think of anything else. please comment and tell me what you think. Have a great night/day/afternoon.-Author

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